Vaccination of children in Georgia - where to go

In Georgia, it is possible to have children vaccinated against various diseases, including hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubella, measles, meningococcus, and other complex diseases.

Such a procedure, which can be carried out in any clinic in Batumi, can prevent complications after infectious diseases and other health problems. The vaccines used in Georgia today have been tested and are absolutely safe, and also comply with international standards.

Vaccination is only carried out after an individual consultation with a professional doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences. The procedure is carried out before kindergarten or school, as your child will face many new contacts with other children, and his or her body will come into contact with dangerous bacteria.

It is best to make an appointment for children's vaccination in advance by phone or through an online service. The procedure is absolutely painless, and your child will feel as comfortable and safe as possible.

Вакцинация детей в Грузии где пройти

1 comment

  • F
    Защищать организм ребенка нужно начинать уже с детства, вообще это правило относиться и ко взрослым людям. Многие считают, да что такого в этих вакцинах, в чем вообще их смысл? А ведь это такая защита для нас всех. Если бы не было противостолбнячной сыворотки, то при любом попадании грязи, земли в рану, шанс заразиться столбняком стремился бы к 100%.