How to get rid of excess weight - searching for specialists and clinics in Georgia

The treatment of obesity in clinics in Tbilisi involves a properly selected diet, physical exercise, medication, and laparoscopic surgery if necessary.

Obesity is very dangerous for a person as it can lead to other serious illnesses. Therefore, obesity treatment centers offer emergency assistance, even in the most difficult situations. Before diagnosing, examining, and treating your problem, an individual consultation is held with a specialist, which also includes a psychotherapist.

All factors that concern you, as well as expectations from treatment and its consequences, are clarified. Comfortable and safe conditions are provided for each patient in the hospital, as well as a responsible approach from medical personnel. You can make an appointment by phone.

Избыточный вес - лечение в Грузии

1 comment

  • А
    Еда одна проблема - ожирение. Но еда в Грузии такая вкусная! Такая калорийная, хотя и с большим количеством овощей и зелени. Но хлеб и орехи, которые очень распространены в грузинской кухне, явно не способствуют стройности. Что ж, лишний вес - тоже одна из проблем современности. Везде есть процент людей, который постоянно с ним борется. Но как же сложно удержаться от хинкали и лаваша горячего..