How to Clean Your Fridge Properly: A Step-by-Step Guide for Safety and Freshness

Learn how to safely and effectively clean your refrigerator with our step-by-step guide. Avoid mold and bad odors by following the recommendations for detergents, soft cloths, and hand protection. Defrost the refrigerator, if necessary, and then thoroughly wipe all interior surfaces. After cleaning, turn on the refrigerator correctly, taking into account the temperature setting. Get clean, fresh and safe for your refrigerator with our helpful tips.


  1. Step 1: Preparing the necessary materials for the work
  2. Step #2. Defrost the refrigerator if necessary
  3. Step #3. Hygienic treatment of your refrigerator
  4. Step #4. Turning on the refrigerator
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How often do I need to clean my refrigerator?
    2. What is the best way to clean a refrigerator?
    3. How to remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator
    4. Can I use abrasive products to clean my refrigerator?
    5. How do you clean your refrigerator shelves and drawers?

To keep your refrigerator safe and fresh, it is recommended to clean it twice a year. This will avoid the appearance of mold and unpleasant odor in its space. However, the wrong approach to this process can damage important parts that affect its functioning. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide that will help you get rid of mold, food residue and unpleasant odors that pose a problem when cleaning your refrigerator.

Step 1: Preparing the necessary materials for the work

When the cold season arrives, many people choose to have their refrigerators serviced. This is a great time to thoroughly clean and remove accumulated dirt and bacteria. However, in order to successfully accomplish this task, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. In this text, we will look at a list of items that you may need for a quality job.

  • Special refrigerator cleaner: For optimal cleanliness and food safety, it is recommended to use a refrigerator cleaner, which can be purchased in specialized stores. These products have a composition that is safe for use with food, so after washing, you will be able to immediately place the food in the refrigerator. It is important to note that such products usually do not contain harsh abrasive particles that can damage plastic surfaces. If you prefer to prepare your own solution, you can stir 15 grams of baking soda or three tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of warm water.
  • Soft microfiber cloths: It is recommended to use soft microfiber cloths to gently and effectively clean the interior and exterior surfaces of your refrigerator. These rags can be purchased from specialized stores. When using microfiber cloths, it is not recommended to use the rough side of a sponge or metal brushes to avoid damage to plastic parts.
  • Rubber gloves: When cleaning your refrigerator, it is recommended to use rubber gloves to protect your hands from the effects of cleaning agents and possible dirt. Rubber gloves will help to keep your hands clean and hygienic while working.

You will also need a floor cloth and old clothes: Use a floor cloth for convenience and to protect the floor surface from possible stains and splashes. It is also recommended that you wear old clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. This will help prevent possible damage or soiling of your everyday clothes.

Additional items: Depending on the condition of your refrigerator and specific tasks, you may need additional items such as a soft toothbrush to clean hard-to-reach areas, a plastic spatula to remove ice and other materials, and a soft sponge to remove stains or odors.

Considering the items listed above, preparing all the necessary materials before cleaning your refrigerator will help you complete the task more efficiently and safely. Remember to maintain cleanliness and hygiene while handling food to keep your refrigerator in optimal condition.

Step #2. Defrost the refrigerator if necessary

  1. When starting defrosting, it is important to follow a few steps to keep your refrigerator and food in good condition. First of all, it is recommended to unplug the refrigerator from the socket. For this purpose, some manufacturers advise to set the thermostat to 0 ℃ or use the off button, if available.
  2. The next step is to remove the food from the refrigerator. It is recommended to move all food items that can spoil quickly to a cool place. If your refrigerator is equipped with No Frost function, you can skip the next step.
  3. To ensure that the defrosting process runs smoothly, leave the refrigerator and freezer doors ajar. Defrosted water will flow out of the compartment, so it is useful to place a floor cloth under the bottom door. The time required for defrosting depends on the refrigerator model and can range from three hours to a day.

It is important to remember that you should not try to remove ice with a knife or hammer to speed up the defrosting process. Such actions may damage the cooling mechanism and cause the refrigerator to break down. Instead, it is recommended to periodically spray the ice with a small amount of slightly warm but not hot water from a sprayer or gently wipe it with a damp cloth.

Once the freezer is completely defrosted, you can start cleaning it. Make sure that there is no ice in the freezer compartment before proceeding to this step.

To ensure the safety and efficiency of the refrigerator, it is recommended to defrost periodically or as needed. The frequency of defrosting depends on the intensity of use of the refrigerator and its model.

It is important to note that defrosting your refrigerator, in addition to preventing ice buildup and ensuring optimal performance, also helps to reduce energy consumption. Ice buildup on the walls of the refrigerator leads to deterioration of its heat dissipation, which requires more energy consumption to maintain a low temperature.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the choice of defrosting time. The optimal option is to defrost the refrigerator when it contains a minimum amount of food. In this way, you will be able to free up enough space to place food items when the defrosting procedure is complete.

Don't forget to also check the condition of the sealing rubbers on the refrigerator doors. If they are damaged or worn, replace them to prevent warm air infiltration and maintain optimal food storage conditions.

Step #3. Hygienic treatment of your refrigerator

  1. First, take out all removable parts of the refrigerator: shelves from the chamber and door, vegetable drawers, racks, egg holders. Then soak them in warm water with dish detergent or laundry soap. To do this, it is convenient to draw water in a bathtub or basin.
  2. Carefully move the refrigerator away from the wall. It is recommended to place a piece of cardboard or cloth under the legs of the refrigerator to avoid spoiling the floor. Usually, most refrigerators do not have wheels.
  3. Now wipe the inside of the refrigerator and freezer: top, bottom, back and side walls, as well as the door. If you notice yellow, dark or green stains, you should scrub them until they are completely gone. These stains can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, which can get on the food and accelerate its spoilage. Pay special attention to the rubber seal on the door, as dirt and mold often accumulate on it. The rubber band has creases, and stains in them can be removed with a cotton swab. Wipe the refrigerator first with a damp cloth and detergent, then with plain water, and finally with a dry cloth.
  4. If there is no No Frost system, it is recommended to clean the refrigerator drain. You can determine the degree of clogging of the hole by the amount of water inside the refrigerator. If only condensate on the back wall is detected, it means that the drain is functioning. In this case, it is enough to clean it using a special wiper located in the hole or a cotton swab.

It is recommended to clean the drain in a circular motion to remove dirt along the perimeter. If a cotton bud is used, it is necessary to carefully control the depth of immersion so as not to accidentally release it from your hands.

If condensate does not drain into the hole and puddles form under the vegetable crates, it means that the drain is clogged. To clean it, proceed as follows:

  • There is a hose at the back of the refrigerator, underneath which is a container of water where the condensate drains out. Place the end of this hose in a plastic bottle.
  • Flush the hole with a strong stream of water using a syringe or a syringe without a needle. Repeat several times.
  • Water will flow from the hose into the bottle. Pour it out. If water does not flow out, the hole is severely clogged. This can violate the temperature regime in the refrigerator, and also lead to spoilage of food. In this case, it is recommended to call a master to repair the drainage system.

If you have a refrigerator with No Frost system, but frost and ice form in it, most likely the problem is related to the drainage. The hole in such refrigerators is closed by a special panel and requires professional cleaning. In this case, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

  1. After properly cleaning all removable parts of the refrigerator with a cloth dampened with dish detergent, rinse them thoroughly with water and allow them to dry before reinstalling them.
  2. Clean the outside of the refrigerator. First wipe it with a damp cloth dampened with detergent, then wipe it with a dry cloth. Note that at the back of the refrigerator is the motor, which is often filled with dust and pet hair, causing it to overheat. Thoroughly wipe the mechanisms first with a damp cloth and then dry without detergent. When doing so, avoid wires and other moving connections.

Step #4. Turning on the refrigerator

When starting to turn on your refrigerator after washing it, there are several important steps to consider to ensure its efficient operation and long life. Let's take a look at some helpful tips and guidelines for this process.

1.The first step after thoroughly cleaning your refrigerator is to close the door tightly. Make sure the door is fully sealed against the body of the refrigerator to avoid warm air infiltration and to keep the inside at an optimal temperature.

Then move the refrigerator against the wall to allow proper air circulation around it. This will allow the refrigerator to cool the food more efficiently and prevent its components from heating up.

Now plug the refrigerator into an electrical outlet and turn it on. Pay attention to the indicators or display that may show the current temperature in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Allow the refrigerator some time to stabilize before continuing with the temperature adjustment process.

Temperature adjustment is another important aspect of turning on your refrigerator. In the refrigerator compartment, it is recommended to keep the temperature below +4℃ to ensure optimal storage conditions for fresh food. In the freezer compartment, the temperature should be kept below -19 ℃ to keep food frozen.

Most refrigerators have a thermostat with multiple modes, allowing you to choose different temperature conditions. To find out the appropriate mode for your refrigerator, refer to the owner's manual that may be provided with the appliance or available online.

2.It is important to note that after washing your refrigerator, it is not recommended to introduce food immediately. Wait approximately one hour to give the refrigerator time to cool down to the desired temperature. This will avoid possible damage to foods, especially those that must be stored at low temperatures.

If you prefer to avoid the worry of cleaning your refrigerator yourself, there are cleaning services that offer professional assistance. The price of refrigerator cleaning can vary depending on various factors such as the size and type of refrigerator. It usually starts from 15 Georgian lari. When ordering the service from a handyman, you can also arrange for him to bring the necessary cleaning products with him, freeing you from this concern.

Frequently Asked Questions

❓ How often should I clean my refrigerator?

🔍 It is recommended to clean your refrigerator about once every 3-6 months, depending on how much you use it.

❓ What is the best way to clean my refrigerator?

🔍 It is recommended to use warm water with a mild detergent to avoid damaging the surface.

❓How to remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator?

🔍 Place a bowl of baking soda in the refrigerator for a few hours. The baking soda will help absorb unpleasant odors.

❓ Can I use abrasive products to clean my refrigerator?

🔍 No, using abrasives can damage the surface of the refrigerator. It is recommended to use a soft cloth.

❓How do I clean the shelves and drawers of my refrigerator?

🔍 The shelves and drawers can be wiped down using soap and water. After cleaning, dry them thoroughly before putting them back in.

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  • Н
    Статья предлагает подробное руководство по очистке холодильника. Она включает советы по выбору средств для мытья, использованию мягких тряпок и защите рук. Также упоминается необходимость разморозки холодильника перед чисткой. После очистки даются рекомендации по правильному включению холодильника, учитывая настройку температуры. В целом, статья предоставляет полезные советы для достижения безопасности и эффективности при очистке холодильника.
  • А
    Статья предоставляет отличные советы о том, как правильно очистить холодильник. Это действительно важно для поддержания чистоты и порядка в нашей кухне. Часто мы забываем о регулярной чистке холодильника, но благодаря этим простым шагам, у нас всегда будет свежая и безопасная еда. Не только это, но и регулярная чистка также может продлить срок службы нашего холодильника. Благодаря таким полезным советам, как эти, мы можем легко сделать процесс очистки более эффективным и приятным. Спасибо за такую информативную статью!
  • B
    Хорошая, информативная статья, предусмотрены все шаги по очистке холодильника. Но я бы еще добавила в описание как избавится от плесени на резиновых прокладках в холодильнике. Как показала практика, постоянное протирание не помогает - высокая влажность способствует появлению плесени вновь и вновь. Также на полочки я кладу целлофан, чтобы не царапать стеклянные поверхности посудой.
  • A
    Никогда не слышала и не пробовала специальные средства для чистки холодильника, мыло или средство для мытья посуды, теплая вода, мягкая губка и вперед) По поводу разморозки, если у вас старый холодильник, а может еще и советский сохранился, теплая вода в тазике или миске ускоряет процесс размораживания, только не кипяток! Ставите ёмкость с теплой водой на полку холодильника под морозилкой, и вы сами увидите, как лёд в морозилке тает.
  • A
    Статья на самом деле очень интересная, тут подробно и чётко всё написано. Раньше я использовала для мытья холодильника обычное моющее средство для посуды , как оказалось тут нужно специальное средство ,хотя, я мою простым средством и холодильник идеально чистый . Теперь прочитав эту статью, я хочу попробовать приобрести средство для чистки холодильника , возможно результат будет даже лучше и результат будет сохранятся долго время. Данную статью я порекомендую прочитать всем своим родственникам, так как до этого, как оказалось ,мыли мы его совсем не так как нужно. Спасибо ещё раз большое за подробную информацию !
  • А
    Я мою холодильник обычным средством для мытья посуды. Иногда, если очень грязно, могу развести комет в воде и помыть им. И естественно потом тщательно это всё отмываю. Оставляю открытым холодильник на час где-то чтобы запаха комента не было. Но если честно, его и так нет. это для профилактики делаю так. А вы коментом не моете? Можно им мыть или нет?
  • A
    Обычно полочки протираю раз в неделю с обычным средством для мытья посуды. Все хорошенько отмывает, нет разводов. И уже раз в месяц делаю генеральную скажем так уборку всего холодильника, со специальным средством, заказала в интернете.
  • A
    Раньше использовала всякие универсальные средства на уборки. Со временем постепенно стала переходить на экологические средства. Например лимон и сода, отличный вариант, Сода хорошо справляется с любыми загрязнениями, а лимон оставляет приятный запах.