History and types of Thai massage: discover a world of relaxation and well-being

We understand the history and varieties of Thai massage. Find out how it affects the body and achieves balance and harmony. Experience royal and classic massage. Discover new sensations and improve your physical and emotional state.


  1. Thai massage : its history
  2. Why do you need a massage?
  3. What are the different types of Thai massage?
  4. What is the effect of Thai massage on the body?
  5. Thai massage prices in Tbilisi
  6. Frequently asked questions
    1. What is the essence of Thai massage technique?
    2. How does Thai massage differ from regular massage?
    3. Who should not have a Thai massage?
    4. What is the effect of Thai massage?
    5. Who can benefit from Thai massage?
    6. What are the benefits of Thai massage for general health?
    7. How often should I have a Thai massage?

With Thai massage you can achieve relaxation, get rid of back pain and more, as well as feel light and have a new bodily experience. It sounds like an advertising slogan, but we will reveal and explain why all these properties of massage are true.

Thai massage is a type of massage in which the master works on specific points on the body, affecting the entire body. It helps to relieve fatigue and tension, toning muscles and improving overall health. This eastern method is considered to help strengthen the immune system, improve sleep and slow down the aging process.

We have understood how Thai massage affects the body, what are its indications and contraindications. Next we will answer the most common questions.

Thai massage : its history

Thai massage has an ancient and rich history, stretching back in time. This art of manual manipulation of the human body has been developed and refined over the centuries, combining elements of different cultures and traditions.

The founder of the Thai massage technique, Jivaka Kumar Bhashi, is believed to be the personal healer of an Indian king and lived over three thousand years ago. His exceptional knowledge and experience allowed him to develop his own system of influencing health and well-being through massage. This system has been passed down from generation to generation and has become an integral part of Thai culture.

Thai massage technology has attracted the attention and respect of medical professionals from around the world. Massage therapists and healers from different countries traveled to India to learn this art and immerse themselves in its depth. Through this exchange of knowledge and experience, Thai massage became a true synthesis of various medical traditions and techniques, including the influence of Indian and Chinese traditions.

Thai massage has continued to evolve over the centuries. It has evolved under the influence of new scientific discoveries in physiology and anatomy, as well as the needs and preferences of people. Through this process of refinement, Thai massage techniques have become more precise, effective and safer.

Today, Thai massage is widely recognized and popular in many countries. It not only promotes physical relaxation, but also has a positive effect on the emotional and energetic state of a person. Thai massage has become an integral part of the world's heritage and is a valuable and unique gift of ancient wisdom and traditions.

Thai massage continues to attract and delight people with its techniques and health benefits. It is becoming increasingly accessible and is offered at various spas, medical centers and recreational facilities. Because of its rich history and effectiveness, Thai massage continues to stay in the spotlight as a means of maintaining overall human well-being and harmony.

Why do you need a massage?

Massage is an important tool for improving a person's physical and emotional well-being. It has many beneficial properties and can have a variety of effects on the body. Regular massage sessions promote overall wellness and lead to balance and harmony.

1.One of the key tools used in massage is linear hand movements. The master strokes, rubs and kneads the tissues, which helps to improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This helps to relieve muscle tension and fatigue, improve muscle tone and elasticity. Linear movements also promote relaxation and calmness, helping to relieve stress and negative emotions.

2.In-depth work on muscle-tendon areas is another important aspect of massage. With the help of various techniques and methods, the master performs massage effects on certain groups of muscles and tendons. This helps to improve their flexibility, relieve muscle spasms and pain, and improve overall joint mobility. Deep work helps to improve tissue nutrition and remove excess metabolic products, which promotes recovery and regeneration of the body.

3.Additionally, massage includes the use of yoga asanas. Asanas are special poses and exercises that are performed both actively and passively under the guidance of a master. This allows you to stretch muscles and tendons, improve their flexibility and mobility. Asanas also promote relaxation and harmonize the energetic state of the body, helping to achieve balance between body and mind.

Massage is an effective means of accomplishing a variety of goals. It can be used for general relaxation and stress relief, to improve physical fitness and athletic performance, and to recover from injuries and illnesses. Massage helps to improve overall health, boost immunity, reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality. It can also help with pain syndromes, spasms and imbalances in the body.

The bottom line is that regular massage sessions can keep your body in optimal physical and emotional health. They help improve the quality of life, increase energy levels and harmony, and help prevent the onset of various diseases. Therefore, massage is an integral part of a person's healthy lifestyle and well-being.

What are the different types of Thai massage?

In the world of Thai massage, there are several types, each with its own characteristics and used to achieve specific goals. The two most common are royal massage and classical massage.

Royal massage got its name due to the fact that it was previously only available to the king and his entourage. Several techniques are incorporated into this type of massage including traditional massage, oil massage and the use of hot herbal pouches. This type of massage provides a wider range of effects on the body and soul.

-Oil massage aims to achieve relaxation and a deep sense of comfort. Unlike other types of massage, oil massage does not involve twisting, yoga elements or strong pressure. The basic movements in this type of massage are massaging movements. Often for oil massage choose coconut aromatic oil, which in addition to a relaxing aroma, has beneficial properties for the skin. It helps to accelerate the regeneration process, stimulates collagen synthesis and has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

-Another interesting type of Thai massage is herbal bag massage. During this procedure, the master uses not only his hands, but also bags with fragrant herbs, which are preheated in a water bath. Herbal sacks usually contain a mixture of different herbs and spices such as ginger, lemongrass, lotus leaves and others. When applied to the body, the pouches create a heat and aromatic effect, helping to relax muscles, relieve tension and improve circulation.

Another direction in Thai massage is the classical direction, which is often used in modern spas. In this direction, the master can use the palms, wrists, elbows, knees and even feet to achieve a full body workout.

Besides the classical direction, there are other varieties of traditional Thai massage techniques that bring their own special effects and benefits.

-One of these types is the hot stone massage. During this treatment, heated stones are used to treat different areas of the body such as feet, legs, back, neck and arms. The main effect that is achieved with the help of hot stones is complete relaxation of the body and mind.

-Another type of traditional Thai massage is Tok Sen. During this procedure the master uses wooden sticks and a hammer to work on the spine. Tapping and pressing with different intensities helps to relieve muscle tension and stimulate blood circulation.

The masseur can also work on the whole body or specific areas such as the head, shoulders and cervical-collar area, depending on the client's needs.

Thus, Thai massage offers a variety of techniques and modalities to achieve deep relaxation, improve physical and emotional well-being, and work on different areas of the body. Each type of massage has its own unique characteristics and is used to achieve specific results and improve overall well-being.

How Thai massage affects the body

Regular Thai massage can have a positive effect on a person's physical and emotional well-being. It is an effective way to combat chronic stress, anxiety, nervous tension and sleep disorders. Even a single session can have a favorable impact on one's overall health and sense of well-being.

The main benefits of Thai massage for the musculoskeletal system are as follows:

-Enhancement of muscle elasticity and firmness, which promotes better body mobility and flexibility.

-Normalization of blood circulation, which improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues.

-Enhancing body flexibility, which is especially important for maintaining mobility in the joints.

-Restoring an even posture and improving the position of the spine, which helps prevent or reduce pain in various areas of the back.

-Easing back pain caused by various reasons such as muscle strains, tension, or spinal deformities.

-Improving joint and spinal function, which helps to improve joint mobility and functionality.

One of the key aspects of Thai massage is deep work on the neck and shoulder area. This helps to relieve tension and discomfort in this area of the body, as well as eliminate headaches, dizziness, tinnitus and a feeling of stiffness between the shoulder blades. People who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, such as office workers, will especially benefit from this.

Thai massage also has a positive effect on the skin. By improving blood circulation, regeneration processes are activated, which contributes to the health and beauty of the skin. This is especially beneficial for problem skin and signs of aging.

Thai massage is recommended for a wide range of patients and can be particularly beneficial for the following conditions:

-Osteochondrosis associated with degenerative changes in the spine.

-Posture disorders such as scoliosis or kyphosis.

-Recurrent or persistent back and neck pain caused by muscle strain or spinal deformities.

-Intensive physical activity that can cause muscle strain and overload.

-Chronic stress, anxiety, and nervous tension that can affect muscles and spinal conditions.

-Sitting jobs that involve prolonged standing in the wrong posture and strain on the back and neck.

-Fatigue and sleep disturbances, which can be associated with physical and emotional stress.

Thai massage, in addition to all its physical benefits, also helps to eliminate stagnant swelling, which contributes to better blood circulation and overall recovery of the body.

Prices for Thai massage in Tbilisi

Uslugi.ge online service offers different prices. Its cost depends on several factors:

- The place of meeting: the home or the office of the teacher. Traveling home is often more expensive than traveling to the owner's office. Location affects the prices: if the owner's office is somewhere far from Tbilisi, the prices will be lower.

- Selected methods. Prices for Tok Sheng, traditional Mylan method, hot stones and pouches may vary.

- Number and duration of appointments. Based on this training strategy, many professionals offer discounts.

- Mastery of skills and qualifications. If the masseur has been educated and trained in a reputable school in Tbilisi, his services are cheaper.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the essence of Thai massage technique?

The masseur acts on the biological points of the human body, revitalizing the circulation of vital energy and normalizing the work of internal organs. Stretching, burning, deep pressure and stretching affect the muscles, improving blood circulation and tone.

How is Thai massage different from regular massage?

Thai massage deeply explores the muscles and tendons and continuously stretches them. The commonality is the use of many techniques without the use of fuel.

Who should not get a Thai massage?

Pregnant women, people with infectious diseases, injured people and people with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. In chronic cases, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What are the effects of Thai massage?

Thai massage increases self-confidence, helps with stress, nervous tension and insomnia. Regular massage normalizes muscle tone, increases flexibility and restores good posture. They regulate health and improve the body's ability to cope with damage.

Who is particularly benefited by Thai massage?

Thai massage can help people who are not physically active or active in their environment. On the other hand, it is important to remember that the use of human skin is expensive.

What are the benefits of Thai massage for overall health?

Thai massage helps to relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep, improve circulation and improve physical well-being. It improves posture, relieves back pain, improves spinal and spinal cord function, and stimulates skin regeneration.

How often should I have a Thai massage?

Thai massage treatments vary depending on each individual's needs and health condition. We recommend consulting with your massage therapist or health counselor for optimal frequency. Massage is generally recommended once or twice a week or every few weeks to keep the body in good condition.

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  • A
    Отличная статья, очень понравилось! Я всегда слышала о тайском массаже, но не знала, насколько глубока его история и какие виды существуют. Теперь стало понятно, что это не только способ расслабиться, но и целая система оздоровления. Особенно заинтересовал традиционный йога-массаж, который сочетает растяжку и давление на определенные точки. Теперь, когда знаю все эти нюансы, обязательно попробую различные техники тайского массажа для улучшения своего самочувствия.
  • B
    Тайский массаж это не только расслабление и приятный отдых для тела и мышц, но и много полезностей для всего организма в целом! Он отлично помогает при стрессе, нервном напряжении и бессоннице, поэтому если у вас подобные симптомы, то не отказываете себе в этом удовольствии!
  • А
    Статья прекрасно раскрывает магию тайского массажа и его влияние на здоровье. Узнать о его истории, разнообразии и благоприятном воздействии на организм – это поистине вдохновляющее путешествие! Практика тайского массажа помогает нам гармонизировать тело и ум, создавая ощущение внутренней равновесия. Важно помнить о его многочисленных выгодах для здоровья, таких как улучшение циркуляции крови, снятие стресса и напряжения, а также повышение гибкости и поддержание общего благополучия. Я вдохновлена этой статьей и с нетерпением жду возможности погрузиться в мир тайского массажа и опробовать его благотворное воздействие на себе. Благодарю за такую информативную и увлекательную статью!
  • A
    Статья о тайском массаже представляет собой увлекательное путешествие в мир этого древнего искусства. Она освещает историю тайского массажа, его разновидности и влияние на здоровье. Это интересный взгляд на то, как тайский массаж сочетает элементы различных культур и традиций, а также его положительное воздействие на тело и дух.
  • А
    Читаешь эту статью, а твои мысли прям переносят тебя на сеанс массажа и ты буквально вспоминаешь все свои ощущения. Согласна с предыдущим комментарием: спится после тайского массажа очень хорошо. Конечно это не панацея, сели есть какие-то другие заболевания, всегда нужно идти сначала к врачу. Из статьи узнала, что тайский массаж, оказывается имеет различные виды, по-моему не видела раньше этого разделения, очень хочется думать, что хожу все-таки на королевский массаж))))
  • A
    Долгое время страдала от бессоницы, какие только методы не испробовала, абсолютно ничего не помогала. Знакомая посоветовала попробовать походить на массаж. Спустя 5 сеансев, я стала чувствовать себя значительно лучше, перестала болеть шея, появилась расслабленность в теле и спать я стала и правда значительно лучше.
  • A
    Те у кого сидячая работа, массаж просто необходим. Сама чувствую, как после рабочего дня просто отваливается шея и болит спина. Массаж отлично снимает напряжение, я даже потом в разы лучше и сплю и в целом чувствую прилив энергии.