Sights of Georgia - ancient temples, cathedrals and monasteries of Shida Kartli: Ertatsminda and Chachubeti.
The sights of Georgia in Shida Kartli are not limited to religious buildings. Nevertheless, it is the temples, monasteries and cathedrals of Georgia that are especially vividly represented in this region: the Kvatakhevsky Monastery, the monastery complex in Rkoni...
On a trip to the sights of Georgia⬇️
Georgia has simply excellent conditions for conducting and starting its profitable business, which attracts foreign residents from all over the world. If you are lucky and you move to a permanent place of residence here, you will be pleasantly surprised by the low living expenses, delicious and healthy food, as well as just an unusually attractive nature.
Guides advise all tourists to start exploring this country with temples, as they have preserved the entire ancient history of this wonderful country. Shida Kartli is a region where the most beautiful monasteries are located. The region itself is located in the center of the country and has a population of approximately two hundred and sixty thousand people.
Shida Kartli has a favorable climate for living - the average temperature in the year is eleven degrees. It is noteworthy that in the summer the temperature can reach forty-two degrees. The region has a rather extensive history, and there are also located in it, the description of which you will see now.
Kvatakhevsky Monastery
The Kavtishevi complex was erected in the 5th century AD in the Katun gorge near the village of the same name. The monastery is surrounded by mountains and protected by them from three sides, which allowed it to preserve its almost pristine appearance.
For the first 500 years after its construction, there was no active movement here, only under the reign of King David IV, the temple began to acquire significance for the country. At that time, these regions were the main literary center of Georgia, chronicles and manuscripts were copied here, which are still kept in various museums around the world.
The subsequent fate was not very rosy – wars and destruction flooded these places. And one day the enemies burned the church together with the captive parishioners. This event determined the tradition that has been preserved to this day – to take off shoes at the entrance.
Throughout the following centuries, the monastery was restored and then closed again. A hard fate has left its mark on the energy of this place, so it is especially felt even now.

Ertatsminda Cathedral
A fairly large cathedral of the early eighteenth century. This cathedral will interest every tourist with its extensive and beautiful patterns carved from wood. An important and pleasant aspect is that this cathedral is still in excellent technical condition today.
The descendants of the famous Georgian Saakadze family are also buried here.
Historically, there have been clashes and defeats in these places, as well as throughout the country. The Persians, the Mongols attacked, burned and destroyed everything around. However, each time the Ertatsminda temple miraculously remained untouched. That is why today it can please us with its pristine appearance.
You can get here from the village of the same name (minibuses and taxis regularly go to it) on a flat asphalt road. The cathedral is visible from anywhere in the village, so you definitely won't pass by.

Chachubet Monastery
Church of the Mother of God It is located in the village of Chachubeti. He is older in age than the previous two. This monastery is made of perfectly crafted stone in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. At one time, the facades of this building were covered with extraordinarily beautiful and colorful paintings, which, unfortunately, have not reached our eyes today.
Only a small part of the mkhedruli and some reliefs have been preserved.
There are three entrances to the temple, from different sides. All differ from each other in architecture and method of construction. From the north there are two extensions made of hewn stone, from the south there is an extension of three elements with two lean–to sides. The eastern entrance has the shape of a semicircle.

Magadan Monastery
This structure belongs to two noble kings from the Megatalant family. The monastery is located two and a half kilometers from the village of Tsinarekhi in Kaspi. The last repair work on this structure was carried out in the period between 1937-1941. The appearance of the church located on the territory of this monastery gives each visitor a lot of unforgettable emotions.
There are several buildings here, each erected at different times and has its own architecture. The central temple of Magalaant is considered the oldest, built in the XII century with hewn blocks. Turquoise stone, frescoes and various ornaments were used for jewelry.
The bell tower was built much later, in the XVIII century. and has many round elements in its design. A round stone in the wall, round holes and even a table inside the same shape.
Also here you can explore the tomb, pharmacy, fence and the ruins of other buildings that have not been preserved entirely to this day.

Monastery of St. George
The Monastery of the Saint George — a unique architectural monument of the first half of the eleventh century, which is located near the Shabtskalas River. This building attracts attention with its beautifully carved decorations, as well as wonderful and indescribable frescoes of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The last repair work on this monastery was carried out at the end of the twentieth century.
The temple is named after the village of Ikvi – now it does not exist, but remained in memory thanks to the monastery. The building is made of stone blocks, in which slits are made for windows. The style of the paintings has Byzantine motifs, but is quite diverse in other complex patterns. In our century, many drawings were damaged by heavy rains, and, as a result, were preserved about 10 years ago.
Rkoni Monastery Complex
At this time, this complex is not operational. It was built starting from the seventh and ending with the eighteenth centuries. You can visit it at the top of the Topic. This structure is, according to the local population, the oldest in the country.
Its construction began in the seventh century, then it went through repeated alterations and repairs many more times.
Also near Rconi there is a stone bridge of Queen Tamara, popular among tourists, which has been in excellent condition since the seventeenth century.
The complex is the tourist center of the region for a reason. On the territory of the country there is a very large number of historical attractions that are very interesting, both for their architecture and history.

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