The history of the creation of the monastery complex in Nekresi begins in the 4th century. The monastery complex itself is located in Kakheti.

The founder of the monastery complex in Nekresi was King Trandat. The event took place in the 4th century. According to one of the ancient legends, the sacrifice of livestock for the first time received the status of a tradition here.

The complex of monasteries of Nekresi and the ruins remaining from the cultural heritage are located in one of the districts of Georgia – Kakheti, near the Caucasian ridge.

Sights of Georgia. History of creation

The main ideologist of the creation of this cultural monument was the Grand Duke – Farnage, who lived in the 2-1 century BC. He became a kind of founder of this monastery complex. Despite the fact that the foundations of this monument were laid in the 2nd century BC, the main temple was fully erected only in the 4th century AD by King Trandat. In the same century, the cathedral became not only a cultural value of Georgia, but also a real place of salvation. Thanks to the study of historical heritage, it became known that this landmark of Georgia also served as a refuge from political and social problems in the 4th century.

What else to see in Nekresi?

No less well-known cultural value is the Diocese of Nekresi, which is part of the Georgian Orthodox monastery. It included not only Gagmamkhari, but also some part of Dagestan, namely the territory of Didoetia. The Diocese of Nekresi remained a heritage of national culture for a long time, until the 19th century.

The Legend of Nekresi

As you know, the Eastern peoples, including the Georgian civilization, have always been famous for exquisite religious rites. For example, the most famous rituals are sacrifices. Every time during such religious actions, it was necessary to sacrifice someone from livestock (cows, goats, sheep), but in no case a pig. It is not known yet a single case when a pig was sent to sacrifice. This religious rite has not yet outlived itself, it can still be seen in the monastery. Such popularity of the rite is primarily due to certain connections with folk traditions. The sacrifice is based on the ethnic characteristics of Georgians.

Legend has it that during the attack of Muslim Tatars on Nekresi, all civilians were forced to flee to the mountains. Some of them had to take refuge in the monastery building. The invaders surrounded the cultural monument of our time, the Georgians had no chance of salvation. When people forced to stay locked up came to the conclusion that they had no hope of salvation, they figured out how to use pigs to get rid of enemies from their territory. They deliberately forced these animals to starve, knowing that they would become aggressive due to lack of food, and thus be able to scare and survive from their territory of strangers. And so it happened. The pigs attacked the Tatars, and they were forced to flee. According to this legend, now the sacrifice of pigs is a kind of cultural feature.

Of course, the most beautiful monasteries are located in the Nekresi complex. This landmark of Georgia impresses with its scale and elegance, and is also a value for the whole people.

Complex of ancient monasteries
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  • Y
    Статья о монастырском комплексе Некреси в Кварели восхитительна! Я была увлечена подробным описанием истории и культурного значения этого места. Фотографии прекрасно передают его красоту и духовную атмосферу. Информация о достопримечательностях и архитектуре монастырского комплекса заставила меня почувствовать желание посетить его лично и насладиться его уникальной атмосферой. Статья также содержит полезные советы для путешественников, ориентиры и способы добраться до монастырского комплекса. Я благодарна за то, что смогла узнать о таком прекрасном историческом месте в Кварели благодаря этой информативной статье. Она вызывает желание познать больше о грузинской культуре и истории.
  • Н
    Что-то с именами странное в этой статье. Мимопроходящие историки - кто сможет мне объяснить, что за царь Трандат и великий герцог Фарнаж творили историю в Некреси? Все официальные источники сходятся на том, что основателем монастырского комплекса является Абибос Некресский, один из тринадцати проповедников, пришедших на территорию современной Грузии после Святой Нино. А создание города приписывают царю Фарнаджому - и было это ещё до новой эры.
  • G
    Интересная статья про монастырский комплекс в Некреси. Сам комплекс внешне сохранился плюс минус хорошо, вот же раньше люди умели строить качественно и надолго. Хотел бы самолично посетить данное место и прочувствовать всю историю, которую хранит данный монастырь начиная аж с 4 века
  • И
    Просто замечательное и притягивающие место. Меня как историка и археолога эти исторические архитектурные памятники очень завораживают своей уникальностью и духом средневековья. Очень заинтересовала легенда про то как свиньи прогнали захватчиков, видимо сработал эффект неожиданости. Однако одно могу сказать точно, я с удовольствием туда отправлюсь.