New Athos Resort. Which resorts must be visited in Abkhazia.
New Athos is an ancient city that carries a centuries–old history. This is what attracts tourists to New Athos in the first place. Of course, here you can also enjoy the beautiful natural expanses and the healing properties of the air of these places, which helps in the treatment of many diseases.

The main attraction of Abkhazia, New Athos, is located on the Black Sea coast on the northern slopes of the Iberian Mountain. From the north it is guarded by the Caucasian Ridge. The relief here is diverse: the coastal strip is located at an altitude of 80 meters above sea level, and the rest of the city is on the slopes of the Bzyb ridge, at an altitude of 600 meters.
As a resort, New Athos began to function officially in 1922. Vacationers are attracted here not only by the beautiful nature, and the healing properties of the local air: New Athos is the oldest city, the history of which began several thousand years ago. Therefore, there are many historical monuments in the city and its surroundings.
The first settlements on the slopes of the Iversky Mountain appeared 3,000 years ago BC. And already at the beginning of our era, the first Christians settled here. Two of the twelve apostles of Christ - Simon Kananeli and Andrew the First-Called - settled in the vicinity of Anakofia (the then name of the city), in a small cave. It was from here that the spread of a new religion - Christianity - began in Georgia. In the place where Svimon Kananeli was tortured (presumably, his burial place is located here), an Apostolic Church was erected in the XI-X centuries.
The main attraction of New Athos - New Athos Caves, or as they are also called "bottomless pits" was discovered in 1961. The total length of the cave system is 3285 m . A 139-meter chasm connects with the earth's surface with a spacious horizontal cave, in which eight wide halls with a high ceiling are distinguished. One of these halls - the Georgian Speleologists' Hall - is the largest in Europe. Its maximum length is 260 m, width - 30-75 m, height - 30-50 m.
Location: the coastal strip of the Black Sea and the slopes of the Iverskaya Mountain.
Distance: from Tbilisi – 465 km, from Sukhumi - 25 km.
Height above sea level: 4-80 m.
Climate: moderately humid, subtropical.
Wed. annual precipitation: 1598 mm.
Average relative humidity per year: 70%.
Duration of sunshine per year: 2130 hours.
Natural healing factors: seaside humid subtropical climate, sea water, karst caves.
Types of treatment: thalassotherapy (air and sun baths, terrancourt, swimming in the sea), speleotherapy.
Therapeutic indicators: diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory (except bronchial asthma) and endocrine systems, metabolic disorders.

Embark on a journey through the great history and breathtaking nature of Abkhazia, where one of the must-visit points on your itinerary should be the Novy Afon resort. This ancient city, steeped in centuries-old history, attracts tourists with its unique atmosphere and cultural heritage.
Located on the coast of the Black Sea and surrounded by the northern slopes of the Iberian Mountain, the city is one of the main attractions of Abkhazia. Here you can enjoy the majestic natural expanses and curative properties of the local air, which has a beneficial effect on many diseases. It offers a variety of landforms: the coastal strip, rising to 80 meters above sea level, and the rest of the town, stretched on the slopes of the Bzyb ridge at an altitude of 600 meters. This creates a unique atmosphere where you can enjoy the sea breeze and magnificent views from the heights. As a resort, the town began its history back in 1922 and since then it has been attracting tourists from all over the world. Here you will find not only beautiful nature and curative properties of the air, but also a rich historical heritage. The city, founded several thousand years ago, delights visitors with its historical monuments, which can be seen both in the city itself and in its surroundings.
One of the fundamental points of the city's history is its connection with Christianity. Already 3,000 years before Christ, the first settlements appeared here on the slopes of the Iberian Mountains. But the city's true significance for the Christian world came to light at the beginning of our era, when two of the twelve apostles of Christ, Svimon Kananeli and Andrew the First Called, chose this area as their dwelling place. Their cave, located in the vicinity of Anakofia (then the name of the city), was the starting point for the spread of Christianity in Georgia. In the XI-X centuries on the spot where allegedly was buried Svimon Kananeli and where he was tortured, was built the Apostolic Church, which has become one of the main attractions.
However, the spa town has become famous not only for its historical significance, but also for its natural wonders. The most important of them is the New Athos Caves, also known as "bottomless pits". This unique cave system was discovered in 1961, and has a total length of 3285 meters. The main feature of the cave is a vertical descent to a depth of 139 meters, after which a vast horizontal cave opens, in which there are eight spacious halls with high ceilings. Of these, the most impressive is the "Hall of Georgian speleologists," which is considered the largest hall in Europe. Its length is 260 meters, the width varies from 30 to 75 meters, and the height reaches 30-50 meters.
New Athos is located on the coastal strip of the Black Sea and the slopes of Mount Iversky, which creates unique conditions for recreation and healing. The city is 465 kilometers from Tbilisi, and only 25 kilometers from the capital of Abkhazia - Sukhumi. The altitude ranges from 4 to 80 meters above sea level. The climate of the region is moderately humid and subtropical. The city receives an average annual rainfall of 1598 mm. The average relative humidity is about 70% and the duration of sunshine per year reaches 2130 hours.
Natural healing factors include the seaside humid subtropical climate, sea water and karst caves. Various methods of treatment are applied here, including thalassotherapy, which includes air and sun baths, terrainkur (mountain walks), and bathing in the sea. Speleotherapy, which is based on the use of cave microclimate for treatment of various diseases, should be mentioned separately. The resort offers treatment of such diseases as cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems, as well as metabolic disorders. The beneficial effects of climate and natural resources make this resort an ideal place for restoring and strengthening health.
Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique climate and healing properties of Novy Afon. Leave your comments and questions below the article, so we can share more information and help you plan an unforgettable vacation at this beautiful resort.
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ть древность Новоафонских пещер и других достопримечательностей.Интересные факты поведал автор.Так-что,приехав сюда с целью оздо-
ровления можно ещё расширить свой кругозор,посмотреть древние исторические достопримечательности.Пейзажи красивейшие.Не перестаю
удивляться,какая Грузия красивая и богатая страна.С удовольствием прочитала.Спасибо автору.
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Климат умеренно влажный, субтропический.
Исцеляются сердце, скелет, лёгкие, нервы.
на северных склонах Иверийской горы находится главная достопримечательность Абхазии – Новый Афон, окружённый с севера Кавказским хребетом.
Новый Афон стал курортом с 1922 года. Отдыхающих привлекают здесь не только природа, но и история города.
Первые поселения на склонах Иверийской горы появились 3 000 лет назад до н.э. Свимон Кананели и Андрей Первозванный - поселились в окрестностях Анакофии в пещеpe. Началось распространение христианства. Здесь же церковь.