Who are the Ferendais? Why were Georgians forcibly resettled in Iran, where Ferendais live now
Learn from our article how the Georgians were able to preserve their history among the Iranian culture, why the Ferendais are beginning to convert to Christianity and who had to take the Kakhetians from Georgia by force. The Madloba catalog has collected the most interesting facts of Georgian history for you!
Find out who the Ferendais are⬇️
There are many sad and tragic moments in Georgian history. The attacks of the Iranian Shah Abbas I on the territory of Kakheti in the 17th century claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and caused irreparable damage to the cultural heritage of the country.
The brutal leader has repeatedly attacked Georgian lands, despite the calls of Russian ambassadors to stop the bloodshed.
The reasons for the attack by the Iranians
Kakheti was beautiful and rich. It was a favorite vacation spot of the Georgian tsars. In the depths of the mountains, the monks built protected caves to store the royal treasures. Fortresses and monasteries, which are symbols of Georgian culture, were erected everywhere. Each built house personified the unity and fortitude of the Georgian people.
In addition, the indigenous population of Georgia is famous for its deep patriotism. The inhabitants of the country have always treated their history with respect, preserved and protected their heritage, unlike other peoples.
Perhaps envy and the desire to subdue the rebellious people were the reasons for the violent looting by the Shah of Iran, who ruthlessly destroyed entire cities and the culture of Georgia.
History of resettlement
Blinded by rage, the Iranian plundered treasuries, burned monasteries, and exterminated all Georgian culture that came in his way. He settled 15 thousand Azerbaijanis in the liberated territory, and ordered the surviving Kakhetians to convert to Islam and settle in the center of Iran. So, three hundred kilometers from Tehran, a whole settlement of Georgians appeared, forcibly transported to Fereydunshahr and obliged to live according to the laws of the Islamic state.
It is worth noting that the Azerbaijanis have not settled down in Kakheti, the rebellious people of neighboring regions of Georgia have returned these lands to themselves. They settled on the lands that had lost their former appearance, and began to restore the lost heritage. And they coped with this task perfectly – Kakheti is a favorite region among tourists, which impresses with a unique appearance of antiquity.
The life of Ferendais in Iran
The formidable Shah of Iran hoped that the broken Georgians would convert to Islam and become part of Iranian culture, would contribute to the history of his country. However, it is not for nothing that Georgians are considered the most patriotic people. The Kakheti people who survived the resettlement not only preserved communication in their native language, but also continued the traditions of Georgian culture. They were not afraid of the Shah's anger, it was much more important not to lose themselves, their country in their heart.
And for more than 400 years, the Ferendais have been speaking Georgian in the center of Iran, observing the customs of their culture and contributing to the history of their native Georgia.
They still consider themselves Kakhetians, although many of them have not been to Georgia, and dream of returning to Kakheti. The Ferendais are renewing Christian traditions and calling on Georgians forcibly converted to Islam to accept Orthodoxy.
The Georgian people admire their dedication and love for the Motherland, the ability to preserve their culture no matter what circumstances. Georgians should definitely learn a deep respect for their roots and the history of the whole country.
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Надо отдать должное стойкости грузинского народа в их стремлении сохранить культуру и память предков. История о том, что даже переселенные на чужие земли, они остались верны своей вере и языку, говорит об их огромной силе духа.
Как говорил Ломоносов: «Народ, не знающий своего прошлого, не имеет будущего». Грузины смогли выстоять и пронести сквозь века свои ценности и традиции, за что им честь и хвала.
Иран всегда привлекал меня своей историей и богатым культурным наследием, и теперь, узнав о судьбе грузинских ферендайцев, мое любопытство стало необузданным. Статья на Madloba.info детально рассказывает о ферендайцах и их переселении, описывая сложности и вызовы, с которыми они столкнулись.
Я чувствую глубокую симпатию и уважение к ферендайцам, которые смогли сохранить свою уникальную культуру и традиции на протяжении многих поколений. Я хотела бы узнать больше о их языке, искусстве и обычаях, и поэтому планирую посетить Иран в ближайшем будущем.
Madloba.info дал мне ценную информацию о ферендайцах и их современном образе жизни. Я благодарна этому справочнику за то, что он расширяет мои знания о Грузии и связанных с ней культурах. С нетерпением жду возможности погрузиться в мир ферендайцев и увидеть их место жительства своими глазами.
Я надеюсь, что когда я посещу Иран, смогу встретиться с ферендайцами и услышать их истории из первых уст. Эта поездка станет незабываемым путешествием в прошлое и вдохновит меня на новые познания и понимание разнообразия мировой культуры.
Спасибо, Madloba.info, за вашу работу по сохранению и распространению знаний о таких уникальных народах и их историях. Ваш справочник действительно помогает людям, таким как я, узнать о фасцинирующих аспектах Грузии и ее богатом наследии.