9 May in Georgia: Victory Day Celebration and National Customs
Learn about the specifics and national traditions of celebrating the Great Victory Day in Georgia at Madloba website. This article reveals the history of the holiday and the unique events held in honour of the 9th of May.
The Day of the Great Victory over the Fascists is celebrated annually in all countries of the world, and with special trepidation in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Georgia is no exception, commemorative celebrations are also regularly held here and heroes and veterans of the Great Patriotic War are honored.
How has the attitude towards the Victory Day changed in Georgia
At the time when Georgia was part ofthe USSR, The celebration on May 9 was very large-scale and loud. The whole Union took part in processions and parades, each republic contributed and competed for the most numerous and vivid performances.
After 1989, Georgia abruptly cut off contacts with the Communists and banned the celebration of Victory Day on May 9, considering it a bright communist Soviet day. Only by 2000, the country's authorities listened to the residents whose relatives took part in the Great Patriotic War and gave their lives for the fight against fascism.
The Victory Day holiday was again declared official, but disputes about the date have not continued to this day. European countries celebrate this day on May 8, when Germany signed the act of surrender. The USSR approved an official holiday on May 9, as the first day without war.
The veterans themselves adhere to the date that was announced in 1945. They remember their emotions and feelings and rightfully consider May 9 to be Victory Day. Nevertheless, their number is gradually decreasing, so it is possible that the date of the celebration will still be postponed by the near future.

How is May 9 in modern Georgia
Georgians who took part in the war do not like to talk about the horrors they experienced, so their children and grandchildren know little about those events. The older generation, whose grandfathers and fathers fought, perceive this day as a tribute to the memory of their ancestors, and the youth is far from a true understanding of the meaning of the holiday.
Despite everything, those who feel involved gather annually in Vake Park for laying flowers on the grave of the unknown soldier and to the eternal flame. Without concerts and large-scale events, people discuss the importance of preserving traditions and ancestral memory.
The Immortal Regiment campaign is also taking place in Tbilisi and Batumi, although it is not as numerous as in Russia. The St. George ribbon is banned in Georgia, so you are unlikely to see this paraphernalia at the procession.
Georgian traditions for Victory Day
As well as on othersGeorgian holidays, On May 9, a festive table with many traditional treats is served in each family. Here you can always find khachapuri, lobio, khinkali and incomparable Georgian wine.
A field kitchen is being deployed in parks and squares, although this is a fairly rare phenomenon. Still today Victory Day in Georgia rather, a quiet home holiday.
All veterans are sure to get their share of attention, including from the President of Russia. The Georgian government also does not skimp on gifts to them and regularly takes care of the welfare of those few surviving veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
If you were present in Georgia on the Victory Day, tell us about your impressions in the comments! Read about how other Georgian holidays are held in the Madloba catalog!
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Я очень рада, что в Грузии тоже не забывают об этом великом дне и празднуют 9 мая. И пусть в этой стране нет такого размаха и торжества, как в России, главное, что о нем надо- прежнему помнят.
Мне также радостно было узнать, что в Грузии проводится акция «Бессмертный полк».
Кстати, уже который раз встречаю в статьях Мадлоба упоминания о неком знаменитом грузинском вине. Прямо стало интересно, мне стоит о нём почитать)
И всё таки, мне кажется, старшине нужно рассказывать о тех временах, чтобы их дети в внуки знали историю, знали что может произойти в этой стране, уважать ветеранов и просто ценить эту жизнь.
Кто был на празднике 9 мая? Расскажите как всё прошло? Неужели нет ни одной георгиевской ленточки?
Тема действительно щекотливая и думаю стоит быть осторожным, чтобы не задеть чувств других людей.
Я думаю правильнее было бы в этот день отдать дань тем, кого нет, но кто оказался очевидцем ужасов тех лет. Помолиться было бы правильнее считаю. И это было лучше, чем то, как отмечают некоторые несознательные персонажи...
Возможно не нам дано решать как правильно отмечать то, к чему мы не прикладывали усилий?...
Берегите стариков, не отрекайтесь и не отмахивайтесь от того, на что была положена чья-то жизнь...
Вечная память!