What can you visit with friends in Georgia? The picturesque fortress city - Akhaltsikhe. The main and impressive sights of the city.

Not many fortress cities have survived to this day, so Akhaltsikhe attracts many tourists. In the blog "MadLoba" you will find detailed information about this place: find out how to get here quickly, how much it costs to enter, get historical and cultural information about this place

Visit the sights of Akhaltsikhe⬇️


This city is located in the south of the country. The city is located in a pleasant place for the eyes – majestic mountains frame the river valley, where neat houses and the Akhaltsikhe fortress are located. Twenty kilometers from the center of this city is the border with the Republic of Turkey. Its height above sea level is one hundred meters. The population of this region is about twenty thousand people.

Speaking about the population, I would like to note right away that Georgians are a very friendly and hospitable people. This people has a huge number of different traditions. The city is an architectural ensemble of old and new buildings. This region has a rich history that dates back to the first century AD.

Sights of the city

It is not surprising that Akhaltsikhe has an impressive number of historical structures and buildings. Visiting most of them is free for tourists.

Main sights of the city:

  • Arabat fortress;
  • Samara monastery;
  • the royal temple;
  • vardzia city cave.
Руины крепости Ахалцихе

Arabat Fortress

This fortress is one of the most important attractions of Akhaltsikhe. It is located on a hill and opens to the tourist eye immediately from the train station. Rabat fortress boasts a history lasting one thousand years. It was built in the twelfth century, it was stormed and captured several times. In the twenty-first century, this fortress was in an almost completely destroyed state, and only in 2011 the Georgian authorities decided to reconstruct it. So, in 2012, it was completely renovated and opened to tourists and locals. The total area of the structure is seven hectares, while it is divided into two parts. The upper part of the fortress is located on a hill, its lower part is located on a flat surface.

Both parts are separated by a wall. There is only one entrance in the wall, passing through which tourists will be able to find themselves in the upper part of the fortress. In this case, the museum complex of the fortress is the upper part of it, the visit of which is paid for tourists. The cost of an adult ticket is seven Georgian lari. There are a huge number of historical monuments around the perimeter of the fortress. The upper part of the fortress is accessible to the public, starting from Tuesday until the end of the week.

You can visit it from ten to seven o'clock in the afternoon. The lower part is open to tourists around the clock. You can walk along it absolutely for free. After passing through a huge gate, you will find yourself in an area that is designed for hiking with your family and friends. There will be comfortable playgrounds, swimming pools of amazing beauty. There is also a grape bush planted here, which has an interesting design form.

In the lower part there is a hotel for all visiting guests and tourists to this city. It is a large structure with an amazing and unusual interior. Looking at the balconies of this building, you will see that they are completely made of wood. The staff of this hotel is very friendly and polite. When you find yourself in this city, you will have the opportunity to use all the comfortable services for a good rest. On the territory of this building there are: cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, wine shops, as well as all the necessary organizations that will make your stay pleasant and comfortable.


Samara Temple

This temple is located in the mountains, ten kilometers from this city. About twenty monks live in this temple. The Samara temple is a historical structure that belongs to the city property. On the territory of this temple there are monuments with a thousand-year history. It was built in the tenth century. Inside the Samara temple there are a huge number of sculptures and stained glass images on the walls.

On the territory of the monastery there is a dome-shaped temple, which was built in the thirteenth century. There is also a bell tower, which consists of solid, monolithic stone slabs. Then ancient small structures in the form of towers stretch along the slope. The entrance to this temple is located on the north and west sides. Unfortunately, the entrance to the southern part of the structure is closed, as it is intended for household needs.

Сапарский храм за каменной стеной

The Royal Temple

This structure was built recently, thanks to the cooperation of local authorities with the administration of the fortress city in 2009. This temple was erected in honor of the only woman who was the ruler of the country and independently led it, in honor of Queen Tamara. At first glance, this temple looks a little simple. However, going inside, you will see the most beautiful painted drawings on the walls, as well as a golden altar. In front of him there is a large and high monument dedicated to the ruler.

Queen Tamara is a very revered person among the Georgian people. During her reign, people had the opportunity to grow a variety of vegetables and fruits, thereby earning money for a living. By tradition, Georgians celebrate the celebration dedicated to this ruler with a special mood

Царский храм в Ахалцихе

Vardzia City Cave

Sixty kilometers from this city there is another amazing attraction of the country. This structure is carved into the rock, which is located at an altitude of one thousand three hundred meters above sea level. Throughout its history, this city has been repeatedly raided by foreign peoples, as well as a huge number of earthquakes.

A few years ago, it was under the control of the state. If we go back to the period of its history, which fell during the Soviet era, we can see that the city was in a dilapidated state. In this regard, the authorities decided to close it for tourist visits. Several decades later, it was reconstructed and restored, and it was also opened to the public.

This structure is divided into two parts. The first part is intended for excursions, and the second part is closed to visitors, since monks live in this part of the temple. Hospitals and some other organizations were also built in the rocks in which the city was carved. There is a temple on the territory, which contains portraits of the Georgian queen and unique paintings on its walls. Frescoes depicting the ruler's father have also been preserved here.

Looking at the top of the building, you can see a platform that is designed to observe the most beautiful mountain landscapes. A huge number of historical monuments have been preserved in this city to our time. Having been here, you will see with your own eyes the life of our ancestors, how they conducted their way of life and their personal life. This city carefully preserves all historical buildings and adjacent territories. After all, they reflect the centuries-old history associated with the development of Georgia.

Известный памятник Вардзия


In conclusion, I would like to note that every year the number of tourists in this city increases. The conditions associated with the development of tourism in this region have improved dramatically. You will understand when you arrive in Akhaltsikhe that there is no need to buy expensive tickets and fly abroad to relax comfortably. After all, everything is provided here for an interesting and pleasant pastime.

After visiting here, you will see local attractions and try to plunge into the historical period of the country. We are sure that you will be satisfied and gain a lot of positive emotions by visiting this place. Akhaltsikhe is one of the few places on Earth that has preserved the ancient history in its present, unchanged form. This fact allows all tourists and visitors to touch it in real life.

Руины на поле в Ахалцихе

Facts from the history of neighboring countries related to the development of Georgia

Resistance to Gandhi and Nehru. In the end, the parties came to the conclusion that it was necessary to allocate Muslim territories to a separate state of Pakistan. As a result, independence and the process of dividing the former British colony into India and Pakistan brought a lot of suffering to the inhabitants of the new states. From 7 to 8 million people lost their homeland in India and fled to Pakistan during the chaos reigning around.

About the same number emigrated in the opposite direction. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed during the conflict unleashed by religious fanatics. Simultaneously with India's independence on August 15, 1947, a new state of Pakistan was formed, consisting of two parts — West Pakistan (the territory of the modern state of Pakistan) and East Pakistan (the territory of the modern state of Bangladesh).

After the entry into force of the Law on the Independence of India, the priorities of the new government were the Indianization of the administrative apparatus and the armed forces, work on the preparation of a new constitution and the development of a system of relations with the subjects of the federation.

Памятник Ганди

The problem of defining the state borders of India remained unresolved and depended on the development of a formula for joining the principalities to the Indian Union. The Ministry has determined the procedure for the transfer of political power from the princes to the central authorities of the Indian Union and the dissolution or integration of princely military units with the formations of the Indian regular Army.

The entry of the principalities into India or Pakistan, according to the provisions of the Indian Independence Act of 1947, depended on the will of their representatives. In the period from 1947 to 1949, 555 principalities out of 601 joined India, the rest became part of Pakistan.

The process of integration of the principalities with the dominion in a number of regions was difficult and met with resistance, up to armed. As a rule, this situation was typical for regions with a high concentration of Muslim population. The most difficult situation has developed in the principalities of Hyderabad and Jammu and Kashmir. If the introduction of Indian troops during the year solved the problem of annexation of the first principality of Hyderabad and Jammu, the situation in Kashmir remained unresolved throughout the subsequent period of India's independent development. This later caused several military conflicts.

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  • A
    Статья представляет живописный грузинский город Крепость Ахалцихе и его историческое наследие, описывает его красивые архитектурные сооружения, включая крепость Рабат, исторические монастыри и музеи. Фотографии прекрасно дополняют текст, передавая атмосферу и величие этого города. Также упоминается о местных традициях и культурных событиях. Для людей, интересующихся историей и архитектурой, а также для путешественников, ищущих новые места для посещения в Грузии, эта статья предлагает ценную информацию и вдохновляет на посещение Крепости Ахалцихе. Она помогает оценить красоту и уникальность этого грузинского города.
  • J
    Рабатская крепость похожа на настоящий замок! Я вживую никогда не видела подобных строений. Да и на фотографиях я их встречала только в городах Грузии. А флаг, интересно, новый возвели? Или же он ещё с тех времён... хотя, навряд ли. Но больше всего меня удивила Вардзийская городская пещера. Это ж сколько сил нужно было приложить чтобы высечь каждую ровную ступенечку, каждую пещерку. Да и выглядит она ооочень необычно!
  • S
    Обалденная статья, читал не отрываясь просто, много чего интересного рассказано, все достопримечательности города Ахалцихе, что посмотреть куда сходить. Много исторических фактов. ВАРДЗИЙСКАЯ ГОРОДСКАЯ ПЕЩЕРА это просто замечательное место, как по мне, очень люблю все такие сооружения сделанные без возведения построек. Конечно же храмы посмотреть это вообще красота, они прям как замки очень красиво.
  • Н
    Перечитала максимально внимательно статью, но так и не поняла - Индия и Пакистан, с их разделением и религиозными проблемами, какое отношение имеют к Грузии? Территориально они не являются соседями. Я даже карту специально пересмотрела, думаю, неужели в голове моей опилки, и между Турцией и Азербайджаном Пакистан внезапно втиснулся? Религии - разные во всех этих государствах. Непонятно!
  • D
    А я думал, что эта крепость действительно сохранилась за эту тысячу лет, а оказывается это реконструкция. Ну, это не удивительно, ведь там где крепости, там конечно же были вооруженные столкновения. И за тысячу лет довольно трудно уцелеть при таком раскладе. Но сделали всё очень красиво, прямо дворец настоящий.
  • B
    Какая красота! Только посмотрите, невозможно глаз оторвать! Живописный город-крепость - Ахалцихе, напоминает что-то из сказок, или турецких фильмов. Сразу захотелось посетить этот город. И еще здесь много исторических достопримечательностей, если вы предпочитаете культурный и пеший вид отдыха, приезжайте сюда!
  • М
    Ахалцихе - историческая находка. Каждый, кто интересуется историй и археологией, посещение этого города жизненно необходимо. А ещё меня поражает, как рукотворные крепости идеально вписываются в горы, в природу.. словно она сама, природа, сложила эти керпичики один ко одному. Спасибо каталогу Мадлоба за подробнейшее раскрытие таких интересных мест.
  • И
    Крепость Рабат стратегически очень удачно расположили да и выглядит шикарно,. Оборона такой крепости значительно упрощалось. Врага с возвышенности проще побеждать. Меня как историка и археолога эти исторические и архитектурные памятники-крепости очень завораживают своей грузинской архитектурой и духом средневековья. Очень интересна историческая справка про крепость.
  • В
    С каждым разом восхищаюсь и удивляюсь старинным архитектурным сооружениям Грузии. Видно по фотографиям, что, в Грузии были очень много замок и крепостей. Очень хотелось бы посетить этот старинный город Ахалцихе. Посмотреть в живую, те замки и крепости, о которых мы читали в книгах по истории или которые видели только в фильмах. Это хорошо, что, они сохранили первозданный вид. Ведь, это все наследие для подрастающего поколения. Они должны знать, кем были и как жили их предки, за что боролись и что сохранили для них.
  • И
    Давно хотела посетить старинный город-крепость Ахалцихе. Увидеть удивительные места. Ведь приехав сразу же возле вокзала можно посетить Рабатскую крепость. Поднять на вершину горы и посмотреть на Сапарский храм с тысячелетней историей. Конечно же посетить Царский храм возведен в честь единственной женщины правительницы царицы Тамары и необычайную Вардзийскую пещеру.