Renovating an Old Country Cottage: Tips, Budget, Specialists, and Savings on Materials

Find out where to start renovating an old summer cottage. Estimate the budget, find experienced specialists and save on building materials. Make a work plan, check the foundation, roof, log house and electrical wiring. Purchase materials yourself or with the help of professionals. Restore your cottage wisely and efficiently.


  1. Determining the budget and drawing up a work plan for the renovation of an old summer house
  2. Searching for a team of workers
  3. Purchase of necessary materials for repairing the dacha
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How do you start planning a renovation?
    2. How do you ensure safety during renovations?
    3. How to create a cozy atmosphere in the house?
    4. How do you get family and friends involved in the renovation?
    5. Where can I find more information about cottage renovations?

If you have long required to restore an old dacha cottage, but you are not sure how best to proceed, then the following article will come in handy for you. We will share tips on where to start renovation, how to find experienced dacha renovation specialists, how much their services may cost and how to skillfully save on materials for construction.

Determining-a-budget-and-drawing-up-a work-plan-for-renovating-an-old-summer-house

Determining the budget and drawing up a work plan for the renovation of an old summer house

When renovating a dacha, it is important to determine the budget in advance to avoid unforeseen costs. Repair costs can increase significantly in the course of the work, so it is recommended to preliminarily estimate the necessary amount you are ready to invest. This will not only allow you to plan the work more consciously, but also to avoid financial surprises.

In addition to determining the budget, drawing up a work plan is a key stage of dacha renovation. It depends on the current state of the house and includes several stages, each of which requires special attention and specific tasks. Let's consider the main stages and what should be checked first.

  • Assess the condition of the foundation: The foundation is the fundamental part of any structure and its reliability affects the longevity of the entire house. Therefore, it is important to check for cracks, gouges or other damage that can lead to structural failure. If such problems are found, you should take steps to fix them.
  • Condition of the roof: The roof plays an important role in protecting you from adverse weather conditions, so its condition should be checked thoroughly. Leaks in the roof can cause damage to interior finishes and even cause the slabs and the roof itself to deteriorate over time. It is recommended that you have the roof inspected and repairs made if necessary.
  • Log Cabin Condition: If your home is made of wood, it is important to check the condition of the log cabin. Wooden structures are susceptible to rot, especially the tops of the walls, their crowns. If the log cabin has started to rot, the house may start to warp, which threatens to cause serious problems. If rot is detected, it is recommended to repair or replace damaged sections of the log cabin.
  • Electrical Wiring Inspection: Electrical wiring is an important part of living comfortably in a home. Improperly installed or outdated electrical wiring can be a source of danger, including the possibility of fire. It is recommended that you have your electrical wiring inspected to ensure that it meets safety and workmanship standards.

Once the major elements of the house have been inspected and the necessary repairs have been identified, you can begin to draw up a detailed plan. It should include such steps as:

  • Interior finishing:Once the major works have been completed, the interior finishing of the house can begin. This includes work to repair walls, ceilings, floors, replace windows and doors and other elements that need attention. It is important to choose quality materials and carry out the work according to professional standards.
  • Plumbing:Checking and repairing the water supply and sewerage system is an integral part of dacha renovation. If problems are found, they should be eliminated or old pipes, plumbing fixtures and fittings should be replaced.
  • Windows and floors: Check the condition of windows and floors. If necessary, replace old windows with energy efficient models to ensure good insulation. Flooring repair or replacement may also be necessary to update the interior and provide a comfortable environment.

Determining a budget and developing a work plan are important steps when renovating a summer house. Remember that the cost of the renovation depends on many factors, including the materials chosen and the crew's rates. To get a more accurate estimate of costs, you may want to consult a professional. In addition, don't forget to consider possible unexpected costs so that you are prepared for any surprises that may arise during the renovation process.

Searching for a team of workers

When looking for a team of laborers for dacha renovations, there are several important aspects to consider.

  • Defining the job requirements: Before you start looking for a team of laborers, it is important to clearly define the job requirements. You need to make a list of tasks that need to be done and consider special requirements or specialization for certain types of work such as electrical, plumbing, finishing and others.
  • Searching through recommendations: One of the effective ways to find reliable workers is to ask acquaintances or neighbors who have already carried out repairs on their dacha. They can recommend you the masters with whom they cooperated earlier and proved to be reliable and quality performers of work. In addition, neighbors from your neighborhood or village can recommend masters working nearby, which can be convenient for the organization and coordination of work.
  • Use of specialized sites: On the Internet there are specialized sites where you can find professionals for repair work. They offer ads from various brigades and masters, as well as reviews and ratings that will help you assess their qualifications and reliability. One such site is, where masters work under a contract and provide a guarantee for their work. This will help you avoid quality problems and unfinished work.
  • Gather information about the masters: When looking for a team of laborers, it is important to gather enough information about the potential performers. This includes reading their portfolios, looking at examples of work, reading testimonials from previous clients and finding out their working conditions and pricing policy. It is also advisable to contact several candidates and discuss with them your requirements and deadlines for the work.
  • Checking qualifications and licenses: It is important to ascertain the professionalism and qualifications of the selected workers. When working with electricians and plumbers, make sure they have the appropriate licenses and certificates to prove their competence. This ensures the safety and quality of the work being done.
  • Conclusion of the contract: When choosing a team of workers to repair the dacha, it is important to conclude a written contract, which will clearly spell out the terms of work, cost, deadlines and other essential details. This will help avoid possible misunderstandings and conflicts during the repair process.
  • Budget and terms: When choosing a work crew, you need to consider your budget and the required time frame for the work. Turnkey crews usually offer a discount for ordering a complex job, but the turnaround time may be delayed. Hiring separate crews for each type of work may provide faster progress, but may cost more.

Keeping these aspects in mind, you will be able to search more effectively for a team of workers to renovate your summer house. Do not forget to conduct proper screening and evaluation of candidates to select reliable and qualified professionals who will perform the work to a high standard.

Purchase of necessary materials for repairing the dacha

Purchasing building materials can be done in two main ways: entrust this task to professionals or do it yourself.

The first option, which, although more expensive, but is more convenient, is to order building materials through a specialized team. Workers will make an estimate, indicating in it a complete list of materials and their cost, and you will only need to agree and sign it. They themselves will carry out the purchase and delivery control, while you will have free time to do other things.

However, there is a risk of overpayment in this option, as builders often cooperate with their suppliers and inflate the prices in the estimate by 2-3 times. Therefore, it is extremely important to carefully check the list of materials and clarify how much similar building materials cost in regular stores.

The second option, more economical, but requiring more effort, is to independently purchase building materials. You will have to make a list of necessary materials, compare prices in different stores and keep track of delivery times. It is especially difficult to order delivery to the dacha, since hypermarkets rarely provide delivery services outside the city, and if possible, such delivery may involve an additional fee for each kilometer traveled.

In preparation for independent purchase, it is recommended to make a detailed list of necessary building materials, estimate their quantity and compare prices on the Internet, local stores and chain hypermarkets.

There are a few simple tips that will help you save money when buying building materials:

  • Buy large-sized building materials from the nearest stores. For example, insulation or plywood is better to buy in the nearest stores, as their transportation takes a lot of space and can be costly. Even if your building materials store prices for plywood are higher by 10-20% compared to the hypermarket on the other side of the city, in the end you can save money by avoiding additional shipping costs.
  • It is more profitable to buy plumbing fixtures in hypermarkets. Large chain stores usually offer lower prices due to the large volume of sales, and such goods as a toilet bowl or sink, you can independently bring in the trunk of the car.
  • Unused building materials can be returned to the store. Often retailers are willing to take back excess building materials if you have, for example, laminate flooring, wallpaper or bags of cement left over after completing the renovation. Provided that the packaging is intact and the goods are not used, the refund is not a problem. This service is usually offered by chain hypermarkets, where refunds are possible even after 100 days from the date of purchase.

These are just some useful guidelines that will help you purchase the necessary building materials with maximum savings. Remember that it is important to do sufficient market analysis and compare offers from different suppliers to get the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start planning a renovation?

The first step is to make a list of the materials and tools you need. Break down the tasks into steps and prioritize them.

How do I stay safe during the renovation?

Wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask. Be careful with electrical wires and use only tested electrical tools.

How to create a cozy atmosphere in the house?

Use beautiful interior elements such as decorative pillows, pictures and curtains. Arrange comfortable furniture and provide adequate lighting.

How to involve family and friends in the renovation?

Invite them to participate in the renovation process by distributing tasks and including them in decision making. Teamwork will not only be efficient, but also fun!

Where can I find more information about renovating my summer house?

We have prepared a detailed article on our website! Visit it to get more useful tips and recommendations.

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  • А
    Как замечательно, что нашли такой полезный ресурс о ремонте загородного дома! Эта статья действительно помогает освоиться в мире ремонта и обновления дома с нашей собственной креативностью и экономической выгодой. Ремонт в загородном доме может быть таким увлекательным процессом, особенно когда каждая деталь и решение придают дому новый вид и улучшают его функциональность. Благодаря этой статье я чувствую себя готовой взяться за руки и приступить к ремонту своего уютного уголка на природе. Спасибо за такой вдохновляющий материал!
  • А
    Я бы даже немного поменяла план работ, указанный в статье. Для начала действительно - визуально оцените состояние всех основных конструкций дома: фундамент, стены, перекрытия, кровля, лестницы и крыльцо, балкон (если Ваш дом имеет такие элементы). Если что-то из этих конструкций, несущих на себе полезную нагрузку вызывает у Вас сомнение или вы видите явные дефекты (особенно после зимы). не надо сразу думать что с этим делать и искать бригаду рабочих, вызовите специалиста по оценке состояния конструкций, потому как порой самые большие повреждения и деформации или их причины визуально не видны. Например, трещины между стеной и перекрытием или конструкцией кровли могут свидетельствовать о проблемах и подвижках фундамента. Только опытный инженер найдет все недочеты. А так, вам бригада строителей все заделает, замажет, косметику проведет, а через год все перекосит еще больше....Такое очень часто бывает.
  • A
    Хочется что бы дача была уютным и приятным местом, куда можно было бы приезжать на выходные дружной компанией отдыхать и приятно проводить время. Убеждена, что ремонт на даче можно выполнить с небольшим бюджетом, главное что все грамотно рассчитать.
  • R
    Очень интересная и полезная статья! Ремонт старого дачного коттеджа может быть сложным делом, но с правильными советами и планом действий, он становится возможным и даже экономически выгодным. Очень полезно оценивать бюджет, искать опытных специалистов и стремиться экономить на материалах. Составление плана работ и проверка ключевых элементов здания, таких как фундамент, крыша, сруб и электропроводка, являются важными шагами. А возможность самостоятельной покупки материалов или использование помощи профессионалов - это отличный путь для эффективного ремонта. Статья даёт хорошую основу для восстановления дачи с умом и эффективностью.
  • A
    Этим летом активно взялись за ремонт дачи. Хотим вложить как можно меньше денег в ремонт. Поэтому на семейном совете решили делать сами, своими силами, так как нанимать рабочих это дополнительные расходы. Сильно что-то менять не планируем, но освежим всеми любимую дачу.