Turkish Multi-Program Anatolian High School
- Description
Turkish multi-program Anatolian secondary school in Batumi is a unique educational institution where the learning process is conducted in Turkish and English. The school follows the Anatolian education system, designed to provide a wide range of knowledge with an emphasis on the intellectual and cultural development of students. Not only local, but also foreign students can receive a quality education and immerse themselves in Turkish culture and traditions.
The school offers a wide range of programs, including natural and social sciences, arts and humanities. The student can choose the educational program that is most suitable for him and receive a comprehensive education. The educational process is organized in such a way as to promote the development of critical thinking, creativity and leadership qualities of students.
The school also has extensive extracurricular programs, including sports clubs, music and drama clubs, and a variety of cultural and academic events, which allow students to expand their interests and talents.
Turkish Multi-curriculum Anatolian Secondary School in Batumi is an excellent place for learning, development and self-realization of students, so it can be an attractive choice for those who want to receive a high-quality and comprehensive education.
Mon-Fri: 09:00–17:00. Sat-Sun - closed.
Школа поразила своей атмосферой и вниманием к каждому ученику. Удивительно, но дети здесь действительно довольны, а это многого стоит. Преподаватели отзывчивы и профессиональны. Ребята не просто учатся, а получают удовольствие от процесса. В стенах этого учебного заведения, кажется, царит взаимное уважение и интерес к знаниям.