Zipline in the Botanical Garden

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  • Description

One of the vibrant attractions of Batumi, Georgia, the Botanical Garden zipline offers an unforgettable flight over a green sea of ​​trees. The cost of the flight is 70 GEL, but the sensations you will get are priceless. With the breeze you will sweep between sea and sky, enjoying the views of the Black Sea coast on one side, and the landscapes of the legendary botanical garden of Batumi, Georgia, on the other.

From this height, a magnificent panoramic view opens up, where the horizon merges with azure waves, and below you - shimmering greenery and the fleeting noises of life. The steel structure of the zipline rises confidently above the area, adding thrill and safety to every flight.

This zipline is an ideal place for fans of extreme entertainment and those who want to look at the world from a new angle. We recommend visiting this attraction to everyone who dreams of a refreshing surge of adrenaline and craves new experiences. Dare to fly and capture in your memory the moment when the nature of Adjara appears before you in all its glory.

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Batumi Botanical Garden, Batumi, Georgia 41.697956, 41.713938
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    Зиплайн в Ботаническом саду - это уникальная возможность ощутить адреналиновый подъем, находясь в окружении красивейшей природы. Паря над зелеными кронами деревьев, вы встречаете великолепные виды, которые открываются с высоты птичьего полета. Это не только впечатляющее приключение, но и возможность в полной мере насладиться красотой и спокойствием ботанического сада.