СМИ "Chemi"

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  • Описание

Chemi Media is a media organization based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Its main activity is providing national news, cultural features and social issues. "Chemi" plays an important role in the information space of Georgia, providing extensive and up-to-date information about events occurring both within the country and abroad. The organization strives to raise important topics related to cultural diversity and social issues, which contributes to a deeper understanding of Georgia and its society. "Chemi" is a reliable source of information for anyone interested in events in the region and wishing to learn more about its cultural and social aspects.

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Координаты скопированы
0186, Тбилиси, р-н Ваке-Сабуртало, пр-кт Важи Пшавелы 78a
График работы

Пн - Сб: 11:00 - 21:00

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