Барбершоп "Mafia"
- Описание
Барбершоп Mafia - это истинный рай для мужчин в Тбилиси. В этой мужской парикмахерской вы найдете выдающихся мастеров и профессионалов, специализирующихся на стрижке и бритье. Mafia предлагает не только стильные стрижки, но и уход за бородой, делая каждого клиента невероятно привлекательным. Здесь вас ждут уютная атмосфера и высокое качество услуг. Найдите нас по адресу [вставьте адрес] и свяжитесь с нами по указанным контактам, чтобы записаться на прием и преобразить свой стиль в Mafia барбершопе.
Пн - Вс: 11:00 - 21:00
NNikoloz 1985
To make a long story short about shaving here, it's like a lottery. I haven't had any luck. Sure, there's the problem with the language barrier on my part. But there's also the problem that you might get inexperienced masters. My skin was not treated after shaving and razor cuts. No one even offered to do it. However, if you have hair and a razor at home, you will probably like this place.
ЮЮрий Квартовский
Wonderful place! Stylish, neat, service without an appointment. Barber is a great guy: dedicated to his work, easy and fun conversation, no imposition. The haircut is top notch in terms of speed and quality. However, due to the speed and use of the razor, there were some scratches on my forehead. We had a fun joke about it, but took some points off for that - still the appearance after leaving did not turn out great. Anyway, will definitely be back! Just pick up this stabbing 🐺😁This is the second time completely satisfied with the haircut, the master is evolving in his art. 5 points!