Teleclinic MyDoc Virtual Clinic

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  • Description

MyDoc Medical Center, as a patient-centric telemedicine center with an innovative approach and the use of portable technology, contributes to the development of primary health care. At the same time, taking into account national and international recommendations, it ensures the provision of remote, high-quality and affordable medical services.

We believe that with the help of globalization and telemedicine, we will minimize the limitations of quality medical services for the population. We believe that every person has the right to receive timely, high-quality and affordable medical services, and MyDoc is ready to become a “bridge at a distance” in the relationship between the patient and the doctor.

Copy coords
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0154, Tbilisi, Didube-Chugureti District, A. Tsereteli Ave. 2


Work schedule

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 19:00

Official website
They speak languages
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    red stars

    Виртуальная клиника Teleclinic MyDoc это лучшее, что может только быть! Здесь вам всегда будут рады и обязательно подскажут нужное и оптимальное решение вашей проблемы. Я был удивлён, каким профессионализмом обладают врачи здесь. Обязательно обращайтесь в Teleclinic. Вы точно не пожалеете!