Genuine leather goods store "F.M.N.K"
- Description
The genuine leather goods store "F.M.N.K" in Tbilisi provides a wide range of high-quality handmade products. Specializing in genuine leather, they create unique products that combine style, sophistication and durability. The store's assortment includes a variety of products, including bags, belts, briefcases and other accessories, which are distinguished not only by their elegant design, but also by the durability of the material. Customers highly appreciate F.M.N.K products for their originality and uniqueness. The store strives to provide customers not only with quality products, but also with a high level of service. The address and phone number of the store are listed on the website, where you can also read customer reviews, which is confirmation of satisfied customers and an additional incentive to visit this unique store in Tbilisi.
Monday - Sunday: 08:00 - 16:00