24-hour dentistry "Dental Leader"
- Description

“Dental Leader” is a leading 24-hour dental clinic located in the picturesque city of Kutaisi. Our mission is to be the leader in providing high-quality care for your smile. We are proud to provide a wide range of dental services, combining experience and innovation to ensure optimal oral health.
At the “Dental Leader” clinic you will be greeted by highly qualified medical personnel who are ready to provide an individual approach to each patient. Our doctors are equipped with modern equipment, which guarantees the safety and effectiveness of all procedures. We strive to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere so that every visitor feels confident and relaxed.
“Dental Leader” patients note our professionalism, attention to detail and individual approach. Our address is easy to find, and you can make an appointment in a way convenient for you - just call the number provided. We are ready to provide you with compassionate care and help keep your smile beautiful and healthy.
Share your experience about visiting the “Dental Leader" dental clinic and help others make the right choice by leaving a review in the Madloba catalog. Your feedback is important to us and helps us improve the quality of the services we provide!
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We offer high-quality services, including dental implants, veneers, dentures and braces. Find out more about our servic…
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The best dental clinic SpartDental in Kutaisi offers a wide range of services, including dental implantation and period…
В Georgia пока искала хорошего дантиста — наконец-то нашла потрясающее место в Кутаиси. Ни разу не пожалела! Профессиональная забота и трепетное внимание Этери сразу внушили доверие. Никогда не думала, что смогу меньше бояться стоматологов, но это случилось. Крючиться в кресле уже совершенно не страшно. Словно попадаешь в надежные руки, где любая процедура превращается в обычную рутину. Рекомендую всем, кто хочет бережного и качественного подхода к своим зубам!
ДДиана Чайка
Мой первый визит в эту стоматологическую клинику оказался приятным сюрпризом. Процедура прошла безболезненно, доктор был очень внимателен к моим ощущениям. После лечения улыбка стала ярче, а уверенность — выше
NNikoloz 1985
Excellent dentist with a caring approach. I now feel more confident before dental visits.
ДДенис Твардовский
Dentist Eteri Nikoladze made a lasting impression on me with her care and attention. Thanks to her, my fear of dental procedures was significantly reduced. She approaches each question professionally, carefully explaining all stages of treatment, which helps me feel more confident and comfortable during the visit. Her warm and friendly attitude towards patients makes going to the dentistry a less stressful and even pleasant experience. Undoubtedly, I will recommend Eteri Nikoladze as a highly qualified professional to anyone looking for quality and sensitive dental care.
ЕЕлена Ворфоломеева
Лечение у Хвича – всё прошло хорошо, разговаривает на русском.
A wonderful dentist, Eteri Nikoladze, shows great care for his patients. Thanks to her, my fears about visiting the dentist have significantly decreased.