How to properly care for leather furniture

How to properly care for leather furniture, when to order professional cleaning of furniture, what to do if the leather upholstery is damaged.

The content ⬇️

  1. Optimal care for leather furniture.
    1. Daily care for leather furniture.
    2. Professional care for leather furniture
  2. What to do if you accidentally damage leather furniture upholstery?
  3. What can not be done with leather furniture.
  4. Rules for preventing premature wear and tear on leather furniture
  5. Frequently Asked Questions:
    1. Can a regular rag be used to care for leather furniture?
    2. How often should I use a leather furniture conditioner?
    3. Can I remove stains from leather furniture myself?

Leather furniture is an elegant and prestigious element of the interior. However, improper care can lead to drying and cracking the upholstery, as a result of which the furniture will quickly lose its original appearance.

In this article, we will tell you how to take care of leather furniture to prolong its life, as well as warn against some actions that can spoil an expensive piece of interior.

Optimal care for leather furniture

Daily care of leather furniture

The surface of natural leather has a porous structure, so it is important to regularly remove accumulated dust, which over time can penetrate the material. To do this, it is sufficient to wipe the furniture with a dry, clean cloth every few days. You can use special microfiber or flannel cloths.

If the stains are too stubborn and require damp treatment, you can moisten the cloth slightly with distilled water. This water does not contain salts or impurities that can dry or damage the skin.

It is worth noting that aniline leather, that is, untreated, should not be wiped with a damp cloth, as this can lead to darkening, roughness and loss of color surface. If there is a need to clean such furniture, it is better to ask for help from professionals.

It is a good idea to vacuum your leather furniture about once a week using a soft brush attachment to avoid scratching the leather. Taking care of leather furniture at home is not very difficult, the main thing is to do it regularly.

Professional care for leather furniture

Over time, the leather on furniture loses its natural moisture and oils that make it soft and supple. To keep leather upholstery in good condition for a long time, it is recommended to treat it with a special conditioner at least once every six months. The conditioner has a similar composition and consistency to a cream and provides protection to the leather from cracking. Special leather care products and conditioners can be purchased at furniture stores and auto parts stores, as they are also used for car leather interior care.

Over time, leather furniture inevitably becomes darker, and stains can appear on the surface, which are difficult to remove on your own. Therefore, once a year it is worth turning to professionals for professional cleaning. It is more convenient to call a master at home, as it will save time compared to taking the furniture to the dry cleaner yourself. In addition, transporting furniture can entail the risk of damage to sofas and chairs. After cleaning the furniture, you can ask the handyman to treat it with an air conditioner for extra protection.

What to do if the upholstery of leather furniture is accidentally damaged?

If you accidentally encounter a situation where the upholstery of your furniture is damaged, there are several methods that can help restore it to its original condition.

If liquid gets on the leather surface, you should wipe it off immediately to prevent it from being absorbed. Then wipe the spot with a cloth soaked in distilled water and dry it.

If small scratches have appeared on the furniture from, for example, fingernails or from sitting on a leather sofa in jeans with buckles on the back pockets, you can repair the damage yourself with a product known as "liquid leather".

In the event that gum is stuck to the leather sofa, it is not advisable to try to remove it with a knife, as this may scratch the surface of the leather. Instead, put some ice cubes in a bag and apply it to the damage for a few minutes. When the gum freezes, it will easily separate from the surface.

To remove greasy spots on the skin, immediately sprinkle them with talcum powder or fine salt, as these products absorb grease well. After a few hours, wipe the soiled area with a dry cloth.

Small scuffs can be repaired with special products such as dyes, liquid leather or repair gel. A furniture salon will be able to help you and choose the best option for your case. However, in the case of serious damage, such as a scratched sofa or a chair gnawed by a dog, it is recommended to contact specialists to restore the product.

Now let's look at what actions are not recommended with leather furniture. Hard brushes and abrasive sponges should be avoided, as they can lead to scratches and scuffs.

It is also not recommended to use home remedies to care for leather furniture. Although you can find many tips online on how to remove stains with lemon juice, vinegar, or ammonia, such products can ruin the surface of the leather, even if they help remove the stain.

The use of cleaners not designed for leather is also unacceptable. All-purpose cleaners, solvents and bleach can have a negative impact on the appearance of the furniture.

What to do if the upholstery of leather furniture is accidentally damaged?

If you accidentally encounter a situation where the upholstery of your furniture is damaged, there are several methods that can help restore it to its original condition.

If liquid gets on the leather surface, you should wipe it off immediately to prevent it from being absorbed. Then wipe the spot with a cloth soaked in distilled water and dry it.

If small scratches have appeared on the furniture from, for example, fingernails or from sitting on a leather sofa in jeans with buckles on the back pockets, you can repair the damage yourself with a product known as "liquid leather".

In the event that gum is stuck to the leather sofa, it is not advisable to try to remove it with a knife, as this may scratch the surface of the leather. Instead, put some ice cubes in a bag and apply it to the damage for a few minutes. When the gum freezes, it will easily separate from the surface.

To remove greasy spots on the skin, immediately sprinkle them with talcum powder or fine salt, as these products absorb grease well. After a few hours, wipe the soiled area with a dry cloth.

Small scuffs can be repaired with special products such as dyes, liquid leather or repair gel. A furniture salon will be able to help you and choose the best option for your case. However, in the case of serious damage, such as a scratched sofa or a chair gnawed by a dog, it is recommended to contact specialists to restore the product.

Now let's look at what actions are not recommended with leather furniture. Hard brushes and abrasive sponges should be avoided, as they can lead to scratches and scuffs.

It is also not recommended to use home remedies to care for leather furniture. Although you can find many tips online on how to remove stains with lemon juice, vinegar, or ammonia, such products can ruin the surface of the leather, even if they help remove the stain.

The use of cleaners not designed for leather is also unacceptable. All-purpose cleaners, solvents and bleach can have a negative impact on the appearance of the furniture.

Prevent premature wear and tear on leather furniture

To prevent premature wear and tear on leather furniture, there are a few rules you should follow:

  1. Position sofas and armchairs at least 50 cm away from radiators and avoid placing heaters close to furniture to prevent them from drying out.
  2. During active sunshine, especially at noon, cover the windows with curtains or drape the area of the sofa or chair with a plaid to prevent the upholstery from fading due to sunlight.
  3. Monitor the humidity level in the room by maintaining optimum values between 40% and 70%. In the winter, when the heating season is on, it is recommended to use humidifiers, and in periods of high humidity to air the room more often. This will help maintain the softness and resiliency of the leather upholstery.
  4. When away for long periods of time, cover furniture to avoid dust on sofas and chairs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use an ordinary cloth to care for my leather furniture?

Yes, you can use an ordinary cloth, but we recommend microfiber or flannel cloths as they are more effective at removing dust and dirt.

2. How often should I use leather furniture conditioner?

Conditioner should be applied every six months to keep the leather soft, supple and prevent cracking.

3. Can I remove stains from leather furniture myself?

You can try to remove some stains yourself by using specific products for leather, but for more difficult or persistent stains, it is advisable to call in a professional so as not to damage the leather surface.

If there are any doubts or difficulties in caring for leather furniture, it is advisable to contact specialists or leather service professionals. They will be able to provide professional advice and help solve any problems associated with the care of leather furniture.

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  • К
    Это интересно, как за мебелью из кожи нужно ухаживать! Статья открыла для меня новые знания и лайфхаки по уходу. Теперь я знаю, как правильно заботиться о такой мебели, чтобы она долго радовала своим видом и качеством.
    Такой вид ухода за мебелью раньше казался мне сложным и непонятным, но теперь я готова применить новые знания на практике. Благодаря этой статье я чувствую себя увереннее в умении поддерживать свою кожаную мебель в отличном состоянии.
  • А
    Я хоть и не являюсь счастливым обладателем мебели из натуральной кожи, но помню как когда-то давно специалист по коже говорил мне: кожа, не важно какая - на тебе или на сумке, нуждается в одинаковом уходе, что делаешь для себя, то делай и для кожаных вещей и будет тебе счастье. У меня есть обувь, перчатки, сумки и куртки из натуральной кожи. Я периодически использую на них те же уходовые средства, что и для рук/тела. Протираю их мицелярной водой, чтоб устранить загрязнения, увлажняю тоником и затем наношу крем. Между всеми процедурами даю высохнуть. Конечно выходит затратно, зато вещи служат долго и кожа не высыхает и не грубеет. С мебелью такой фокус, конечно, не пройдет, не одна банка крема дорого уйдет. Поэтому однозначно нужно покупать средства, указанные в статье, пусть это будет затратно, зато мебель прослужит очень долго и будет радовать глаз.
  • E
    Ох, как я рада, что наткнулась на эту статью "Как правильно ухаживать за кожаной мебелью"! Недавно я приобрела прекрасный набор кожаной мебели, и мне было очень важно научиться правильно ухаживать за ней, чтобы она служила долгие годы. С помощью этой статьи, я узнала множество полезных советов и рекомендаций. Важно использовать специальные средства для чистки, чтобы не повредить материал. Я теперь знаю, что мебель нужно регулярно обрабатывать, чтобы она не потеряла свой блеск и не появились трещины. Но самое интересное, что я обнаружила в этой статье, это информация о месте, где я планировала побывать - в Грузии! В моем любимом справочнике-каталоге о Грузии "Мадлоба", я узнала о множестве удивительных мест для посещения. Один из них, о котором мечтала, это загадочный город Сванети. Мадлоба описывает его как место с потрясающей природой и уникальной архитектурой, которая уводит в прошлое. Что интересно, в Грузии ухаживают за кожаной мебелью так же, как я узнала из статьи - бережно и заботливо, чтобы сохранить ее красоту на долгие годы. Мне нравится, что грузинцы уделяют внимание деталям и ценят свою культуру и историю, так же как и я хочу сохранить свою новую мебель в идеальном состоянии. В общем, я рада, что являюсь частью сообщества "Мадлоба", где можно найти так много полезной информации о Грузии и не только. Большое спасибо за такой богатый и уникальный контент, который всегда приносит радость и знания. Теперь я вооружена всей необходимой информацией о кожаной мебели и готова отправиться в свою заветную поездку в Грузию!
  • Е
    A very useful article on the proper care of leather furniture! Leather requires special attention and care so that it stays beautiful and lasts a long time.

    One of the key aspects of caring for leather furniture is regular cleaning and maintenance. It is recommended to use a soft brush or dry cloth to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the leather. It is important to avoid using harsh detergents or harsh materials, as they can damage the leather.

    In addition, the article correctly emphasizes the need to order professional cleaning of leather furniture. It is important to do this periodically, especially if the leather is subjected to daily wear and tear. Professionals can use specialized products and techniques to effectively clean and restore leather upholstery.

    But what to do if the leather upholstery is damaged? This article offers some helpful tips. If the damage is minor, you can try using special leather paints or repair kits that allow you to fix minor defects yourself. However, if the damage is serious or you are not sure of your skills, it is better to turn to professionals who can qualitatively repair the leather.

    Overall, this article offers useful tips and reminds us of the importance of proper care of leather furniture. By following the recommendations, we will be able to maintain the beauty and durability of our leather furniture for a long time.