Daryal Gorge in Georgia: how to get to the Castle of Queen Tamara. History of the attraction
The Darial gorge in Georgia is known to tourists because of the Castle of Queen Tamara, located in the most inaccessible place. How to get to a cultural attraction with a great and mysterious history. What does the Castle of Queen Tamara look like and for what was built in Georgia.
Visit the mysterious castle of Queen Tamara⬇️
Mysterious castle in the Daryal gorge, sung in the poem by M.Y. Lermontov ”The Demon", is known to many history lovers. In honor of Queen Tamara, with whom the golden age of Georgian history is associated, a defensive fortress was named.
Despite the remote location, the majestic castle attracts many visitors to Georgia!
Darial Gorge: The Castle of Queen Tamara and the Ermolovsky Stone
Title Daryal Gorge translated as “gate of the Alans”, in historical records it is known as the Caucasian and Sarmatian gates. The total length of the gorge is 12 kilometers, it is located between the settlements of Verkhny Lars, where there is a checkpoint on the border with Russia, and Stepantsminda.
The Castle of Queen Tamara it rises on the rock of the south side Daryal Gorge. Today, on the site of the defensive fortress, you can see the ruins of the castle on the western side, three watchtowers and the remaining fragments of outbuildings. Historians suggest that the entrance to the fortress was on the south side, there was also a gallery and an underground corridor to the Terek River. On the western side of the castle, near the tunnel through which water was brought, you can see another observation tower.
In addition to the fortress, the gorge is also known for the Ermolovsky stone, located near the village of Verkhny Lars. The landmark in the form of a huge boulder is located in the Terek riverbed, previously the stone was used as an observation post, and during the war artillery pillboxes were installed on it.
The Castle of Queen Tamara is a citadel with a mysterious history
In ancient times Daryal Gorge It was the only place of passage from Transcaucasia to the north, so it was important to build an impregnable fortress that would protect against enemy attacks. The first mention of a defensive structure in the gorge refers to the Greek historian Strabo in the 1st century BC, but those fortifications were destroyed. King Vakhtang of Georgia built a fortress in the 5th century to repel the attacks of the Alans, after which in the 12th century King David restored the castle and expanded the fortifications.
The fortress acquired the name “Castle of Queen Tamara” much later, and there is no evidence that its construction is connected with the famous Queen of Georgia. There is a legend that in the 17th century a beautiful princess lived in the castle, perhaps that is why today the fortress is known as Tamara's Castle.
Where is the Castle of Queen Tamara?
Ruins The Castle of Queen Tamara It can be seen from the Daryal Monastery, located near the Upper Lars checkpoint. It is impossible to approach the fortress from the side of the temple, since the path to the rock passes through the state border with Russia.
The easiest way to get from Tbilisi to the sights of the Daryal Gorge is by car, which can be rented in Georgia. To do this, you need to move towards the ancient city of Mtskheta, then turn left onto the Georgian Military Road, where there will be a pointer to the Castle. Buses also run to the village of Stepantsminda, but you will have to hitchhike 12 kilometers to the fortress itself.
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Хотя я прекрасно понимаю, что в Грузии много потрясающе красивых достопримечательностей , которые стоит посетить. Сейчас у меня остался только один самый главный вопрос: «Как все успеть?».
Это культурная достопримечательность Грузии связанная с именем
великой и таинственной царицы. Которую воспевали многие поэты в своих
произведениях. Например Шота Руставели написал поэму ,,Витязь в тигровой шкуре,,
Легендарная история приписывающая Тамаре все замечательные храмы и крепости Грузии,
Не далека от истины. Множество памятников искусства создано именно ею.
М.Ю. Лермонтов воспел в своём стихотворений ,, Демон ,, таинственный замок в Дарьяльском ущелий.
С именем Тамары связано золотой век Грузии. Название Дарьяльского ущелия переводится как
,,Врата Аланов,, Я думаю это связано с происхождения Тамары. Она из династии Багратионов, была дочерью Георгия lll
и царицы Бурдухан , дочери аланского царя Худана .
Она продолжала деятельность царя Давида lV способствовала широкому распространению христианства по всей Грузии,
и строительству храмов и монастырей.
Замок построил в пятом веке царь Вахтанг что бы отражать нападения аланов. Потом в 12 веке царь Давид его
отреставрировал, и расширил. Название ,,Царица Тамара ,, замку дали позже к 17 веку.
Вот такая удивительная история связано с этим ущелием. Спасибо автору за
увлекательное путешествие в историю Грузии .