Sights of Georgia in Tskaltubo - Prometheus Cave Museum at a depth of 40 meters.
The Natural Museum, which is the Prometheus Cave in Tskaltubo, is one of the most beautiful and mysterious places in Georgia. There are 22 rooms in the cave - the museum is arranged only in 6, but they are quite enough - the total length of the path will be about 1500 km...
The sights of Georgia often bear the names of famous people, characters and mythical heroes. Prometheus Cave is located in the Imereti region, Tskaltubo municipality. It stretches for 1, 8 kilometers and is located at a depth of 40 meters underground.
Prometheus Cave can be considered one of the most beautiful places in Georgia. It hides the special beauty of our world. The cave is given an age of about 60 - 70 million years. The cave is karst, it has incredibly beautiful bands of stalactites and stalagmites. If you don't know what to see in Georgia, Prometheus Cave will undoubtedly show you once again how beautiful and rich in wonders the world of nature is.

The cave is located in the Kuma River basin, in the village of Kumistavi, located in the municipality of Tskaltubo. There are 6 halls open for tourists to visit, but 22 cave halls were discovered in total. You can walk 1,420 meters through the cave, get acquainted with the halls, and also go for a walk along the river with a navigable tour.
Quite often there are stalactites and stalagmites in the Prometheus cave, which are considered real masterpieces created by nature. They have a variety of forms and leave fabulous impressions in a person's memory. In addition, during a walk through the cave you can find “petrified waterfalls”, “hanging curtains made of stone”, helictites, calcite drips and other organic phenomena.
If you don't know what to see in Georgia, Prometheus Cave will undoubtedly show you once again how beautiful and rich in wonders the world of nature is.

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Но это скорее даже плюс, ведь это будет невероятно красиво и завораживающе.
Я думала, что в статье расскажут немного и о Прометее. Вероятно, что его имя использовали в название из-за известности, однако, все же хотелось немного истории. Прекрасное место!