The most picturesque lakes in Georgia. Lakes of Abudelauri.
There are three lakes of Abudelauri: green, blue and white. These are some of the most unusual lakes. The green lake – Mtsvane – got its color because of the many herbaceous plants. The blue lake – Lurji – has crystal clear and transparent water, which gives a blue hue. White Lake – Tetri – water flows into the lake from the glacier, which mixes with mud, so the water here is always muddy.
In the depression formed as a result of the actions of the Abudelaur glacier, there are three lakes that differ from each other: green, blue and white. There is a walking route from the village of Roshki to the lakes. The first object of the route is Lake Mtsvane (green). The lake owes its color to a large number of herbaceous plants. The maximum depth of this lake is 3.8 m, volume = 45500 cubic meters. For a long time (about 6 months), the lake is covered with ice. The ice melts only in May.
200 m north of Lake Mtsvane, in the hollow located below, there is Lake Lurji (blue). In summer, streams do not flow into the lake. The water here is crystal clear and transparent, so it has a blue tint.
To the northwest of Lake Lurji, at a distance of about 1 km, is Lake Tetri (white), which arose several decades ago on the site of the glacial language of Abudelauri. A warm stream flows into this lake from the Abudelauri glacier. Mixed with mud. Therefore, there is always muddy water in the lake. Muddy streams flow out of these lakes, which form the Abudelauri River.

Dusheti municipality, the southern slope of the Tushet-Khevsuretsky ridge of the Greater Caucasus Range, the source of the Abudelauri River – the right tributary of the Roshkistskali River (Khevsursky Aragvi basin); at an altitude of 2812 m above sea level.

N42 32'35''; Е44 50'27''

How to get:
From the village of Roshka to Lake Mtsvane there is a 6 km long hiking trail, a 3 km long dirt road leads; the distance from Tbilisi is 111 km, from Dusheti – 83 km, from Mtskheta – 96 km

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вали реку Абуделаури.Вид потрясающий.Озеро имеет зеленый цвет из-за большого количества растений.В синем озере кристально-чистая
вода,а в белом озере мутная вода из- за потоков которые несут с гор грязь.Посмотреть было бы интересно.