Semi-desert canyons of Georgia. Picturesque canyons. Pantishara Canyon.
There are many tourist routes around Pantishara Canyon, which anyone can walk along and personally see the variety of landscapes of this area. There are active processes of weathering and equalization in the canyon. The canyon rocks are covered with swallows' nests. The peculiarity of the canyon is that it is a characteristic semi-desert place.
In the Dedoplistskaroy district, on the final section of the Iori Plateau, between the Iori andAlazani there is a nature conservation area Vashlovani, which is represented by a national park, a nature reserve and three natural monuments. Under the influence of natural factors, different, radically different landscapes have been formed in a small area over time. These are deserts, semi-deserts, steppe zones, arid woodlands and deciduous forest. The territory covers the Pantashira-Vashlovansky massif, whose height ranges from 300 to 600 m above sea level. In this wonderful area, you can walk along several tourist routes. One of these routes starts from the town of Dedoplistskaro and heads south-east towards the security stationVashlovani, from where the road leads to the Pantishari Valley. This valley is distinguished by its geological originality and biodiversity.
The valley is a deep and magnificent canyon, carved by a small gorge in the limestone rocks. The processes of weathering and leveling of the surface are actively taking place in the canyon. This gives the canyon a unique look. On both sides of the valley, high-rise cliffs similar to fortifications overhang. Swallows have found their home on the rocks. The rocks are covered with swallow nests, so these places are called the City of Swallows. In early spring, sparrows inhabit swallow nests, and swallows returning from warm countries have to win back their "city".
To the south, the valley gradually widens, and a spacious array of bedlands opens up ahead, which is called "Alesili". From here, the route heads towards the tributary of the Pantishari – the "Bear Gorge". The territory of the "Bear Gorge" in ancient times was the seabed. On the bare slopes, it is easy to notice the shells of marine mollusks, whose age is at least 2 million years. There are also fossilized bones of the southern elephant, the largest of which reaches 87 cm and well shows the gigantic size of a mammal that lived millions of years ago.

Dedoplistskaroy municipality, the extreme eastern part of Georgia, at an altitude of 500 m above sea level.

N41 14'10"; E46 21'50".

How to get:
There is a dirt road from the village of Kasristskali (Eldari) to the canyon, the distance is 30 km; the distance from Tbilisi (through Dedoplistskaro) is 200 km, from Telavi (through the city of Tsnori) is 155 km, from Dedoplistskaro – 65 km.

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Думаю обязательно стоит посмотреть на кости южного слона, и самая большая из костей составляет аж 87 см, даже не представляю размеры этого животного.
сен по-своему.Каньон Пантишара.Его особенность в том,что здесь характерное для полупустыни место.Такое ощущение,что природа решила
пошутить и продемонстрировать себя во всей красе.Пустыня,полупустыня,степная зона,редколесье,лиственный лес.И это всё на сравнитель-
но небольшой территории.Это место объявлено национальным парком с тремя природными памятниками.Перед взором открывается доли-
на представляющий собой глубокий каньон небывалой красоты.С двух сторон долины похожие на крепостные стены ,расположены две скалы.
К югу долина постепенно расширяется и открывается массив""Алесили"",а затем""Медвежье ущелье""Вот так поменялась природа и это надо уви
увидеть.Я просто поражена, насколько это удивительный уголок! Посмотреть обязательно стоит.