Which sea is worth visiting in Georgia and Abkhazia. The best places. The Black Sea.
The Black Sea is practically the most popular place for a tourist holiday. Many tourists come here every year. Sea water has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, on the respiratory tract. There are many different beaches around the Black Sea: covered with sand, stone and so on. The flora and fauna of the sea is also diverse.
The Black Sea adjoins Georgia from the western side. It has a huge geopolitical, resource, climate-forming, transport and recreational significance. For Georgians, the Black Sea serves as an outlet to the world's oceans. Of the total length (3,400 km.) of the Black Sea strip, only 9% is located within Georgia.
The ancient Greeks called the Black Sea first Ponto Axinos (inhospitable), and then, with the beginning of our era, Pontos Euxinos (hospitable). In the XV century, the Turks called this sea Karadeniz, i.e. the Black Sea.
The development of the geological history of the Black Sea is both complex and interesting. Eight million years ago it was part of the Pontic Sea (together with the Caspian Sea). A million years ago, the sea was divided into two parts. After that, the sea merged and separated from the salty Mediterranean Sea several times. After each merger, almost complete destruction of the freshwater fauna of the Black Sea followed.
Within the coastal strip of Georgia, the Black Sea is particularly comfortable. The salinity of the water here does not exceed 0.2-0.3%, which is several times less than similar indicators of its central and southern parts. The transparency of the water is not high (6-8 m.), although the water temperature in summer (+24 °-+26 °) is the most acceptable from the point of view of recreation and balneology. The speed of the current in the coastal zone, which does not exceed 1 km/h, is also favorable.

The flora and fauna of the Black Sea is also diverse. It is distinguished by the presence of plankton and a variety of animal species. There are more than 200 species of fish, among which 1/5 of them belong to freshwater.
Within Georgia, the Black Sea never freezes, which cannot be said about its northern part. For this reason, Georgian ports are very convenient and they operate all year round.
The recreational season of the Black Sea coastal strip lasts for several months. There are many resorts (Batumi, Kobuleti, Kindga, Gagra, etc.) and beaches arranged according to international standards (Kvariati, Shekvetili, Ureki). The recreational and aesthetic significance of these resorts increases due to the towering mountains around them, which are abundantly covered with plants.

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