House-museum of Niko Nikoladze, Georgi Nikoladze.
One of the most important people for the development of the country was Niko Nikoladze. Find out what he did for Georgia, why his house turned into a museum and who founded resorts in Tskaltubo and Tbilisi from our article. The Madloba catalog - the best guide for a tourist - will introduce you to a wide variety of facts and tell you the most fascinating places to travel!
One of the museum's expeditions tells about the life and work of Niko Nikoladze – Georgi Nikoladze. George was educated in Europe. Returning to his homeland, he contributed in every way to the development of Georgian sports, popularization of winter sports.
Niko Nikoladze was born in 1843 in the village of Dzhihaishi (Samtreda municipality) in the family of the famous industrialist Yakov Nikoladze. Niko Nikoladze received an excellent education for that time and became famous as a publicist and critic. His political and public activities significantly contributed to the technical progress in Georgia and the development of engineering and economic thinking - he laid the foundations for the production of manganese in Chiatura and coal mining in Tkibuli, made a great contribution to the construction of the first railway line in Georgia (Poti—Zestafoni), as well as to the construction of a port in Poti. He was one of the initiators of the foundation of balneological resorts in Tskaltubo and Tbilisi.
In 1886, Niko Nikoladze built a house in the village of Dzhihaishi, which he covered with tiles brought from Marseille. Nikoladze used concrete imported from Europe for the first time in the Russian Empire to cover the balconies of the house, wine cellar and basement. Currently, this house is a museum (it was opened in 1947). In addition to personal belongings belonging to members of the Nikoladze family, there are samples of the latest technical achievements that Nikoladze brought from different countries: a Kodak camera, a washing machine, a sundial (made in Paris by Nikoladze's special order for his village, and on which the geographical coordinates of the village of Jihaishi are indicated), also a wind engine, established in 1910, which supplied water to buildings and premises and provided watering of seedlings.
The house is surrounded by a unique botanical park, laid out by the owner. Trees of endemic varieties grow here: South American sequoia, American walnut, soap tree (sapindus), cork oak, Himalayan cedar, various varieties of French vine.
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В 1886 году Нико Николадзе в деревне Джихаиши построил дом, перекрыв черепицей, привезённой из Марселя. Для облицовки балконов дома, винного погреба и подвала Николадзе впервые использовал бетон из Европы. В 1947 году дом стал музеем. Кроме личных вещей выставлены привезенные им из разных стран технические новшества: фотоаппарат Кодак, стир. машина, солнечные часы (изготовленные в Париже по его заказу), двигатель, установленный в 1910 году, снабжающий водой здания и помещения и обеспечивающий полив рассад. Также он способствовал развитию спорта.
Дом окружен ботаническим парком, с деревьями эндемичных сортов: южноамериканская секвойя, американский орех, мыльное дерево (сапиндус), пробковый дуб, гималайский кедр, различные сорта французской лозы.