Where did Zakhariy Paliashvili live in Georgia? Zakharia Paliashvili House-Museum.

If you are interested in the personality and creativity of Zachary Paliashvili, then in no case do not pass by his house-museum. More than 5000 materials are stored here. Among them are a personal archive, original scores of operas, posters of productions, manuscripts, a library, paintings, sculptures, graphics and much more.

In 1915-1922, the Georgian composer, conductor, folklorist, teacher, public figure, founder of the modern Georgian national School of Composition Zahariy Paliashvili (1871-1933) lived in this house.

In the house-museum of Zahariya Paliashvili (founded in 1959) materials related to the life and work of Zahari Paliashvili are stored (total 5000 exhibits): memorial items, personal archive, original scores of operas "Abesalom and Eteri" and "Daisi", posters of the first productions, unique manuscripts, photographic material, library, samples of paintings, graphic and sculptural works of art, created by Georgian artists and reflecting episodes of the composer's life and his creative motives, stage layouts, the original manuscript of the poem dedicated to Zachary Paliashvili by Joseph Noneshvili "Stop for a second at the opera garden", musical instruments of the composer, tailcoat, etc.

The exhibition presents a huge contribution to the development of Georgian musical art made by members of the large Paliashvili family.

On the ground floor of the museum building there is an exhibition hall, in which, as in the main halls for the exposition, concerts, meetings with the winners of the Zahariya Paliashvili Prize, master classes of Georgian composers and teachers, scientific conferences, various exhibitions are held.

Zahariy Paliashvili was born in Kutaisi in a family of musicians. His father, Petre Paliashvili, sang in the choir of the Catholic Church. Four brothers and a sister Zachariah were also musicians. Since 1887, Zachary began singing in the Lado Agniashvili Choir in Tbilisi. Zahariy Paliashvili studied French horn playing at the Tbilisi Music College. He received his higher musical education at the Moscow Conservatory (1900-1903).

After returning to Georgia, Zahariy Paliashvili began his extensive creative, pedagogical and performing career as an organist and conductor. He took part in the foundation of the Georgian Philharmonic Society, founded a choir and orchestra, headed a music school. Conducted performances, collected and processed Georgian folk songs, published two collections: "Forty Georgian Folk Songs" and "Eight Georgian Folk Songs". The first romances of Zachary Paliashvili "Mravalzhamier", "High spirit", "Nana, baby" (dedicated to Iv. Javakhishvili).

On February 21, 1919, the premiere of the opera "Abesalom and Eteri", in which the author conducted, took place.

He created three different types of Georgian opera: the monumental opera-tragedy "Abesalom and Eteri", the literary-dramatic opera "Daisi" and the heroic-patriotic opera "Latavra".

The House-Museum of Zahariya Paliashvili is a place that is definitely worth visiting for lovers of classical music and culture of Georgia. Here you can feel the atmosphere of creativity of the outstanding composer and folklorist Zahari Paliashvili, who left a bright mark in the history of Georgian music.

The house-museum is located on Melikov Street in Tbilisi, where Zahariy Paliashvili himself lived in 1915-1922. This memorial house was opened to the public in 1959 to preserve the composer's legacy and make it accessible to generations.

The museum's exposition contains more than 5,000 exhibits reflecting the life and work of Zahari Paliashvili. Among them you can see memorial items, the composer's personal archive, original scores of the operas "Abesalom and Eteri" and "Daisi", posters of the first productions, unique manuscripts, photographic materials, samples of paintings, graphic and sculptural works of art created by Georgian artists and reflecting episodes of the composer's life and his creative motives, as well as musical instruments of the composer, tailcoat and other things related to his life.

One of the most valuable exhibits of the house museum is the composer's personal archive, which includes letters, diaries, sheet music, photographs that allow a deeper understanding of the creative path and philosophy of Zahari Paliashvili.

A special place in the exposition is occupied by the composer's library, which contains many books and magazines about music, as well as rare publications that help to understand the influence of Western music on the development of Georgian musical culture.

On the ground floor of the museum house there is an exhibition hall that can accommodate up to 50 people. Temporary exhibitions dedicated to the works of Zaharie Paliashvili and his contemporaries, as well as exhibitions of contemporary artists are held here.

In the exhibition hall you can see a variety of exhibits, from drawings and paintings to photographs and musical instruments. Some of the exhibits come from other museums and private collections, which makes the exhibitions even more interesting and diverse.

In addition to the exhibition hall on the ground floor there is a museum shop where you can buy books, souvenirs, music CDs with works by Zahariya Paliashvili and other Georgian composers. Also here you can buy copies of some exhibits, for example, masks from the opera "Abesalom and Eteri", which were created under the direction of the composer himself.

The main exhibition halls of the museum are located on the second floor. Here you can get acquainted with the biography and work of Zahari Paliashvili, get acquainted with his personal archive and documents, the original scores of his operas "Abesalom and Eteri" and "Daisi", which brought him real fame and recognition.

The exhibition features unique manuscripts of the composer, photographs, his personal belongings, as well as samples of paintings, graphic and sculptural works of art created by Georgian artists and reflecting episodes of the composer's life and his creative motives. All exhibits demonstrate the huge contribution of Zahariya Paliashvili to the development of Georgian musical culture.

Especially impressive is the museum library, which is located on the second floor of the museum house. It has more than 3,000 books on music and art, as well as books in Georgian, Russian, English, French, Italian and other languages. The museum's library has unique publications that were not previously available to the general public. It contains many scientific and artistic works concerning music, composers, conductors, as well as books about literature, painting, sculpture and other types of art.

One of the most interesting exhibits of the museum is the composer's tailcoat, which he wore at his concerts and performances. This tailcoat became a symbol of Zahari Paliashvili and was used in his biographical films and books. Its author was the then famous Georgian artist Levan Zeredeli.

In addition, the museum has original musical instruments of the composer, which were used by him when creating his works. Among them are the piano, organ and violins.

Special attention is paid to memorial items related to the life and work of Zaharie Paliashvili. Here you can see his portraits, photographs, personal belongings, as well as various awards and diplomas that were awarded to him for his contribution to the development of Georgian music.

In addition, the museum often hosts various events, such as concerts, exhibitions, scientific conferences, master classes and others. Famous musicians and composers, as well as aspiring musicians and students of music educational institutions take part in these events. Such events allow museum visitors to dive deeper into the world of Zahari Paliashvili's creativity, as well as learn more about the musical culture of Georgia in general.

But in addition to museum expositions and events, the Zahariya Paliashvili House Museum is also engaged in research and preservation of Georgia's cultural heritage. The museum staff is actively engaged in researching the life and work of Zahari Paliashvili, as well as collecting and systematizing materials about other outstanding personalities in the field of music and art of Georgia.

One of the most significant projects implemented by the museum is the creation of an electronic archive of the national music of Georgia. As part of this project, recordings of folk songs and melodies were collected and systematized, which are now available for listening and studying on the museum's website.

Another project implemented by the house-museum of Zahari Paliashvili was the creation of the musical ensemble "Darbazi". The ensemble consists of young musicians who perform folk songs and melodies of Georgia, as well as works by Zaharie Paliashvili and other Georgian composers. The ensemble often performs not only in Georgia, but also abroad, promoting Georgian music and culture.

An important area of activity of the Zahariya Paliashvili House-Museum is its interaction with musical institutions and organizations. The museum participates in the organization of various music festivals and competitions, and also maintains cooperation with music schools and universities.

Thus, the house-museum of Zahari Paliashvili is not just a place where materials about the outstanding Georgian composer are stored, but also a place where you can plunge into the unique atmosphere of his time and work, get acquainted with his rich heritage and learn more about the cultural and historical environment of Georgia at the beginning of the XX century.

But it is not only the house-museum of Zahariya Paliashvili that attracts tourists to Georgia. This country is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history and culture, as well as delicious cuisine and hospitable people.


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  • О
    Как хорошо, что музей не только осуществляет выставочную функцию, но и проводит концерты, выставки, собирает и систематизирует информацию о знаменитых деятелях в области музыки и искусства, пропагандирует национальное искусство и музыку за пределами Грузии. Принимает участие в организации концертов и фестивалей, сотрудничает с музыкальными образовательными учреждениями.
  • A
    В Грузии очень много музеев посвященных общественным деятелям, писателям и художникам. Нам конечно совершенно не знакомы эти люди, о многих из них я вообще слышу впервые. Поэтому такие музеи, скорее больше подходят местным жителям.
  • E
    Я только что прочитала увлекательную статью о Доме-музее Захария Палиашвили и мое сердце полно восхищения! Узнав об этом месте из самого большого справочника-каталога о Грузии, Мадлоба madloba.info, я уже начинаю мечтать о его посещении. Статья раскрыла передо мной жизнь и творчество Захария Палиашвили, известного грузинского писателя. Я узнала, что его дом-музей является олицетворением его литературного наследия и предлагает уникальную возможность погрузиться в его мир. Планируя свое будущее посещение Дома-музея Захария Палиашвили, я уже представляю себе, как буду блуждать по его комнатам, окруженная атмосферой его творчества. Я с нетерпением жду возможности познакомиться с его письменными работами, личными предметами и образами, которые отражают его великолепие как писателя и личность.
  • R
    Я только что прочитал об удивительном доме-музее Захария Палиашвили и его богатой коллекции. Музей хранит уникальные материалы, включая мемориальные предметы, оригинальные партитуры опер, личный архив и фотоматериалы, отражающие жизнь и творчество композитора.
    Я очень рекомендую посетить этот музей всем, кто интересуется музыкой и культурой Грузии. Он предлагает уникальную возможность погрузиться в творческий мир Захария Палиашвили и оценить его важное наследие. Спасибо madloba.info за предоставленную информацию, которая позволила мне узнать больше о этом замечательном месте!
  • C
    Захарий Палиашвили - выдающийся грузинский композитор. Не зря говорят, что талантливый человек талантлив во всем, так и Палиашвили - он не только композитор, но еще дирижёр, фольклорист, педагог, общественный деятель. Так много способностей у этого человека.! И по этой причине обязательно нужно посетить дом-музей, основанный в его честь, где сохранен быт и много предметов обихода.
  • G
    Очень интересное место, всегда привлекала восточная музыка и ее звучание, несравнимое ни с чем. С удовольствие бы посетил дом-музей имени Захария Палиашвили. Ранее не был знаком с его творчеством, но перед прочтением статьи стало интересно ради чего был построен личный дом-музей, и не капельки не пожалел
  • С
    Очень интересная и познавательная статья, насыщена нужной информацией, которая пригодится для расширения кругозора. Неужели такое исторически важное место находится под боком!!! Неужели лишь стоит приехать, зайти, и прикоснуться к этой истории… 🧡
  • O
    Прекрасное место для посещения. Узнала, что в 1915-1922 годах в этом доме проживал грузинский композитор Захарий Палиашвили. А также некоторые факты из его жизни. Например то, что в Тбилисском музыкальном училище он изучил игру на валторне. а в 1900-1903 получил высшее музыкальное образование в Московской консерватории.
  • B
    Дом-музей Захария Палиашвили основан в 1959 году, это грузинский композитор, педагог, общественный деятель.
    В музее насчитывается 5000 экспонатов, связанные с жизнью и деятельностью композитора. Мемориальные предметы, личный архив, уникальные рукописи, фотоматериал, библиотека, образцы живописи, музыкальные инструменты композитора и многое другое!
  • К
    Грузия заботится о своей культурной истории. Музей Захария Палиашвили очередное тому подтверждение, тут сохранены работы великого деятеля оперы, музыкальныкальные инструменты, предметы быта. Все экспонаты, а их более 5000, можно увидететь на первом этаже дома, в котором проживал знаменитый хореограф, а еще тут проводятся мастер-классы, конференции и различные выставки. Самые знаменитые из произведений автора - «Абесалом и Этери»,«Даиси»,«Латавра».
  • И
    Очень трогательная история, для меня) В доме-музее (основан в 1959 г.) хранятся материалы, связанные с жизнью и деятельностью Захария Палиашвили (всего 5000 экспонатов): мемориальные предметы, личный архив, оригиналы партитур опер «Абесалом и Этери» и «Даиси», афиши первых постановок, уникальные рукописи, фотоматериал, библиотека, образцы живописи, графических и скульптурных произведений искусства, созданные грузинскими
    • B
      Очень интересная и познавательная статья, насыщена нужной информацией, которая пригодится для расширения кругозора. В доме-музее Захария Палиашвили хранится богатейшая коллекция различных предметов! Здесь можно увидеть материалы, связанные с его жизнью и деятельностью.