Choosing a location for business: how to increase the average bill and attract customers?

Location directly affects the range, demand and revenue. I tell you with examples how to choose the right location so that customers buy more and the average bill grows. We analyze mistakes and strategies for business in 2025.

Location is everything: why does your choice of place determine your average bill?

I always say: location is not just a point on the map, it is a sales strategy. When entrepreneurs choose a place, they often focus on the rental cost, forgetting the main question: will there be clients here and what are they ready to buy?

From my own experience, I have seen that the right location dictates not only the flow of visitors, but also their needs. If the point is in a business center, people buy coffee to go and quick snacks. If in a residential area, customers expect a range of everyday goods, convenient services and a personalized approach. A store at the bus stop sells goods "on the run" - drinks, snacks, small accessories, and a boutique in a shopping center focuses on shoppers, offering promotions and discounts.

Choosing a location is not just renting a space. It is an analysis of the audience, competitors, needs, an assessment of real traffic and even the time that people are willing to spend on a purchase. Let's figure out which locations work best.

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🔹 How to make sure customers find your business themselves?

I often see entrepreneurs investing in rent, renovations, and marketing, but missing one important point - people should find you easily.

Even if your point is located in an ideal place, this is not a guarantee of customer flow. Today, searches are made in Yandex.Maps and Google Maps, and if a business is not there or its card is poorly filled out, the client will simply go to a competitor.

📌 We will help your business take top positions in local search.

Proper profile design, collecting reviews, working with photos and descriptions - all this increases visibility and customer trust. Sign up for a free audit - our specialists will analyze your card, identify errors and tell you what to do to attract more customers through cards.

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4 Key Locations and Their Impact on Sales

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👉 Business centers: speed and convenience

When I worked with coffee shops and restaurants in office districts, it became obvious that no one here wants to waste time waiting, so the key criteria are speed of service and convenient solutions.

What works?

✔ Complex lunches, ready-made solutions ("lunch in 5 minutes").

✔ Grab&go formats - coffee, sandwiches, salads in convenient packaging.

✔ Loyalty programs for office workers.

How to increase the bill?
People love great deals: coffee + croissant is cheaper than separately. Add combo sets, pre-order cards or office delivery - and the average bill will increase by 20-30%.

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👉 Residential complexes: comfort and everyday goods

When opening a business in a residential area, it is important to understand that people buy familiar things, but are willing to pay for comfort.

What sells well?

✔ Everyday products (ready-made food, coffee, pastries).

✔ Beauty and health services (salons, massage, fitness).

✔ Shops with goods for home, children, pets.

How to increase the check?

✔ Include related products. For example, if a person came for pet food, offer vitamins or treats. And if they came to the salon for a manicure, offer care products.

✔ Add "2+1" promotions, offer additional services (for example, express delivery for a complex).

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👉 Transport stops: everything must be fast

The location near a public transport stop is about impulse purchases. People don't plan, but often take something along the way.

What goods are needed here?

✔ Coffee, pastries, newspapers, water, snacks.

✔ Chargers, accessories, essential goods.

✔ Pharmacies and small services.

How to increase the bill?
Create ready-made sets - for example, coffee + sandwich + water at a bargain price. Limited contact time with the customer means that the purchase decision is made in seconds.

👉 Shopping malls: high traffic, but tough competition

Here the client is already ready to spend money, but the more choice there is, the harder it is to stand out.

What sells best?

✔ Branded goods, accessories, cosmetics.

✔ Entertainment, children's areas, cafes with a unique menu.

✔ Pop-up stores, seasonal offers.

How to increase the check?

Create a unique experience. For example, offer a discount on a second item, conduct master classes, or create loyalty programs.

How do you know you've made the right choice?

Have you chosen a location, but doubt that it will bring profit? Check several factors:

✅ Actual customer traffic and footfall.

✅ Services meet audience expectations.

✅ Competition: what is already in this area?

✅ Business visibility in local search engines.

📌 Not sure if your point is visible on Google and Yandex maps?
Sign up for a free audit and we will tell you how to fix the mistakes!

You can also see examples of analyses and video audits on our YouTube channel "Local Marketing and SEO: promotion on maps".

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Promotion via Google and Yandex maps: what is important to know?

Location is not only a physical place, but also a presence on online maps.

🔹 Add your business to Google and Yandex.Maps.

🔹 Fill in the description, photo, and work schedule.

🔹 Collect feedback, update information.

🚀 Want to learn more about promoting your offline business through maps?
Take our local marketing course and learn how to attract customers without spending money on advertising.

I believe that location is the key factor for success in offline business. To make a mistake with the location means losing money, even if the product is good.

📌 Analyze, test, monitor competitors. And be sure to promote your point on maps so that customers can find you!

❓ Frequently asked questions

  1. How do you know if the chosen location is really profitable?
    Analyze traffic: watch the flow of people, count the number of potential customers, study competitors. It is important to consider not only the number of passers-by, but also their needs.
  2. Why is rent in shopping centers more expensive, and is it worth it?
    The high cost of rent is justified by the high traffic of visitors. But before signing a contract, it is important to study the target audience of the shopping center and make sure that your business meets their needs.
  3. How to increase the average bill in business centers and office areas?
    Offer comprehensive solutions: coffee + dessert, To Go lunches, food delivery subscriptions. People in such places appreciate convenience and speed of service.
  4. Why is the assortment in a residential area different from a business center?
    Residents of residential areas make purchases not on the run, but consciously. Here it is important to offer everyday goods, comfortable service and loyalty programs.
  5. How do Yandex.Maps and Google Maps help attract customers to offline points?
    Customers are looking for convenient establishments nearby. If you have a correctly designed profile with reviews and photos, the services will raise your card higher in the search results, and users will choose you faster.
  6. What mistakes are most often made when choosing a location?
    They focus only on the rental cost, without taking into account the competition, customer flow and audience needs. It is important to evaluate not only the price, but also the potential of the point.
  7. How to analyze the attendance of a location before opening a business?
    Use three methods: visual counting of passers-by at different times, analysis of competitors' receipts and specialized traffic statistics services.
  8. Is it necessary to adapt the assortment to the location?
    Yes, this is critically important. Successful entrepreneurs adapt to the audience: in office centers they sell quick snacks, and in residential areas - essential goods and services for families.

If you have any questions, leave a request - we will analyze your situation and tell you how to choose the ideal location and attract clients!

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1 comment

  • E
    Вот это да! Никогда не думала, что выбор локации так сильно влияет на бизнес. После прочтения статьи осознала, как много я упускала, выбирая место для своей точки. Оказывается, не достаточно просто подумать о проходимости, важно учитывать, что покупают люди в этой локации и какие у них потребности. Я всегда думала, что аренда — это главное, но теперь понимаю, что нужно думать о клиентах и их привычках. И, конечно, продвижение через карты — это то, что я точно упустила. Спасибо за такие ценные рекомендации, буду пересматривать свою стратегию!