Official holidays in Georgia in 2023: holidays for the whole country.
Find out what national holidays are celebrated in Georgia in 2023. On what days are shops, banks and government agencies closed? How is the celebration of the main celebrations in Georgia? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the article. The main Georgian holidays and festivities in 2022.
Dates of official holidays in Georgia⬇️
All holidays in Georgia in 2024: Holidays, non-working days and weekends
The Madloba travel guide catalog offers you to get acquainted with the holidays in Georgia in 2023. National holidays in Georgia are held with noisy and cheerful festivities, which are famous all over the world. Therefore, many travelers are looking forward to folk festivals and celebrations that cause a good mood not only among locals, but also tourists.
Residents of Georgia know a lot about feasts, delicious drinks and traditional dishes, so it will be useful for every tourist to visit the celebration in Georgian cities. It is not surprising that in 2023 Georgia celebrates as many as 17 official holidays, the description of which you can read below. Among the main holidays in Georgia there are also those that are well known to residents of Russia, for example, New Year, Epiphany, Easter and Victory Day.
Traditional New Year with Georgian atmosphere
A series of national holidays in Georgia opens the New Year, which is celebrated all over the world, but in this wonderful country it acquires its own national features.
First of all, the celebration of the New Year is connected with the preparation of traditional dishes that decorate the feast, so, most often the locals prepare satsivi, boiled pork, khachapuri and other meat and vegetable dishes. Naturally, the feast is not complete without oriental sweets, such as churchkhela, homemade cheese and other snacks are also served. There is a belief that the more sweet snacks on the table, the sweeter and more pleasant the next year will be. The main decoration of the New Year's table is a roast pig, without which the locals cannot begin the celebration. In addition, honey gozinaks are always served, symbolizing the sweet Georgian life.
If we talk about the traditional attributes of the New Year in Georgia, then in addition to the Christmas tree, the locals decorate chichikali. Chichikali is a homemade small tree, similar to a Christmas tree, but decorated not with toys and bright balls, but with dried fruits. After the celebration, chichikali is burned, thereby seeing off all the misfortunes and troubles, and they celebrate the New Year with joy and fun.
It is impossible to imagine the New Year in Georgia without dancing, songs and delicious wine that flows like a river. If you have heard Georgian polyphony at least once, you will understand that it is a real pleasure to participate in such a celebration. The festivities end with national dances that amaze at first sight.
Of course, in Georgia, the New Year is not complete without fireworks and fireworks, which have been allowed here for many years. There is a special belief on this topic - every volley kills an evil spirit, so the locals strive to launch as many bright and colorful fireworks as possible.
National Holiday of Bedoba
The official holiday of Bedoba is revered by every resident of Georgia, since it has long been believed that as you spend January 2, the whole new year will pass. Therefore, on this day you can not be sad, quarrel with family and friends, be offended by them, but you need to have fun and help your family. Bedoba comes from the Georgian word “bedi”, which translates into Russian as “fate”.
It is believed that harmony in the home and a good mood will attract joy and happiness for the whole year. Based on this, a traditional custom has been formed, which says that the first person crossing the threshold will bring good luck and good to the house, or, conversely, troubles and grief. Therefore, the locals are in great trepidation about the choice of guests in Bedobu, who are called in the Georgian manner as “mekvle". They invite exceptionally kind, decent and lucky friends and relatives to visit the celebration of the Troubles, who, in turn, can expect special hospitality from the owners of the house. If you have been chosen as a mekvle, then you are obliged to bring some kind of surprise or gift to the house, for example, a basket with wine and oriental sweets.
Christian Christmas is an important church holiday in Georgia
Christmas in Georgia is famous for its special reverent attitude and traditions, which are observed by all local residents. For example, on Christmas night, a candle is lit in every Georgian house, placed near the window in such a way that it is visible to everyone passing by. Such a rite allows you to remember the biblical events when Joseph and Mary were looking for a place for the birth of their son.
Every resident of Georgia is especially looking forward to the advent of Christmas, as it is believed that on this day all the dreams and long-standing plans are realized. Christmas is celebrated in Georgia from time immemorial. Georgian housewives bake a special dish at Christmas - querci.
It is best to celebrate Christmas in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, as a special divine service is held in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, headed by the Catholicos-Patriarch. After the divine service, which takes place in all the churches of Georgia, the festive procession “Alilo" begins. Everyone can join the procession and walk along the Georgian streets, thus the news of the birth of Christ was carried. At this time, the most beautiful spiritual songs are heard on the streets of Georgia. Some locals go to orphanages and orphanages after the procession, as they give special gifts to those who really need them.
The Baptism of Christ – Natlisgeba
In the Georgian manner, Baptism is called “Natlisgeba”, which translates into Russian as receiving light. On the eve of Epiphany, a great consecration of water takes place in all the temples of Georgia.
The tradition of Epiphany in Georgia is to come to visit your godparents and congratulate them on this amazing holiday. In addition, it is on this day that it is customary to baptize all children, headed by the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia. The baptism takes place in the Church of the Holy Trinity, which is called in the Georgian manner as Tsminda Sameba. For many local residents, it is a great honor to baptize their children on January 19, so, at the moment, Ilia II has more than 40,000 godchildren throughout Georgia.
Also on this Orthodox holiday it is customary to stock up on holy water for the whole year. It is believed that it helps to improve well-being in diseases and difficult life trials.
In Natlisgeba, believers remember how Jesus came to the Jordan River from Galilee and was baptized with water from John the Baptist. At that moment, the Trinity was revealed to the world: God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and God the Father.
Georgian Mother's Day
A series of women's holidays in Georgia begins Mother's Day, which takes place on March 3, and on the 8th residents celebrate International Women's Day. The holiday in honor of the mother begins its history since 1991, however, during this time it has managed to radically integrate into the lives of local residents.
On Mother's Day, flowers, luxurious bouquets and various gift sets are sold on the streets of any Georgian city and even village. Locals on this day can not help but congratulate their mother, grandmother and wife. In Georgia, the mother is treated very respectfully, her cult is sacred, there is even a huge statue in Tbilisi that symbolizes Mother, Homeland and Georgia.
The festive mood on March 3 can be observed in everyone you can meet on your way. On this day, festive festivities, fun shows and concerts, charity evenings and promotions are held in every city of Georgia.
Exciting and charming International Women's Day
Georgian men are famous for their courtship all over the world, and on the women's holiday, male locals take care of women with special trepidation and attention. Therefore, every girl dreams of celebrating March 8 in Georgia.
On this festive day, every woman will receive flowers, multiple compliments and gifts from her gentlemen. The celebration of International Women's Day takes place at the Georgian table along with national dances and songs that elevate female beauty and charm. Beautiful speeches, glorious polyphonic Georgian songs and delicious wine - all this turns into a real fairy tale.
Memorable date – National Unity Day of Georgia
This holiday marks the final establishment of Georgia's independence and freedom. The tragic events of April 9, 1989 will forever remain in the memory of Georgian residents, because as a result of a popular rally and an uprising, 30 citizens were killed and more than 200 people were seriously injured.
On the day of National Unity, all over Georgia remember these events and those who proudly fought for their homeland and its freedom. Civil memorial services are held in all churches. In addition, local residents lay flowers and lighted candles at the monument dedicated to all those who died on that tragic day. Although the holiday has a tragic history, Georgians remember their ancestors with pride and sincere kindness.
Easter holidays in Georgia begin on Good Friday
This is the first of the four days of Easter holidays celebrated in Georgia on a special scale. Good Friday is the strictest day of Lent, which precedes Easter. For Orthodox residents in Georgia, this day marks the great tribulation, personifying the suffering of Jesus Christ during his earthly life. Because it was on this day that the trial of Jesus took place, after which he was crucified on the cross.
In 2023, on April 30, services will be held in all churches of Georgia, which, as a rule, begin closer to 2 p.m., they are dedicated to the Passion of Christ. After the end of the service, closer to evening time, the removal of the shroud with the image of the body of Christ taken from the cross takes place. All believers venerate it, after that the shroud is in the center of the Orthodox church for three days.
On Good Friday, all believers observe restrictions and prohibitions, so you can not do household chores, work in the garden, as well as have fun at various shows or concerts. In addition, it is not recommended to eat on this day, during Lent it is only allowed to drink water.
The end of Lent is the Great Saturday holiday
This holiday marks the end of Lent and preparations for the celebration of Easter. On this day, it is customary to start preparing for Easter, locals paint eggs and prepare the main attributes of the holiday: cakes and Easter. Easter eggs in Georgia are painted exclusively in red with the help of onion husks, and it is not customary to use dyes. Georgian residents do not decorate Easter cakes, but illuminate it in Orthodox churches.
First of all, services are held in Georgia, starting in the late afternoon and held in all churches. Moreover, the service is both mournful and sad, and joyful in honor of the approaching Easter.
On the evening of Great Saturday, the Holy Liturgy takes place in Orthodox churches, after which the Bright Resurrection of Christ is announced. On this day, believers observe a strict fast, and it is forbidden to eat after 18.00 hours. At night, a litany is performed, parishioners congratulate each other and sing “Christ is Risen" in the Georgian manner.
Church Easter is the main Christian holiday of Georgians
Residents of Georgia treat Easter with special trepidation and expectation, because for them it is one of their favorite holidays. In Georgian, Easter is designated as “Ahdgoma”, the Easter greeting is "Christe Agsdga!", and the answer to it is as follows - "Cheshmaritad Agsdga!".
On this day, an interesting traditional archery and the game “lelo burti” are held in Georgia. During the celebration, the locals are divided into teams that throw a 16-kilogram ball, which is very similar to the modern and popular game of rugby. After the games, families celebrate the coming of Easter at the festive table, and the culmination of the holiday is a night service in the Orthodox churches of the country and a procession.
In the morning on Easter every year, Georgians observe an interesting custom - they break colored eggs. Each member of the family selects the strongest egg by tapping on the teeth and breaks it through another egg. Thus, the game begins and the competition between loved ones, who will have more broken eggs, becomes the winner.
Grateful Easter Monday, the end of the Easter holidays
This is the second day of the celebration of Easter, on which it is customary to remember loved ones who have passed into another world. Locals visit cemeteries and present traditional Easter food to the graves. Many people light a candle at the tombstone of their loved ones and roll painted eggs over the grave.
Although Easter Monday has a sad and gloomy character, the celebrants try to fill the atmosphere with gratitude and memory for their ancestors. Visiting cemeteries, Georgians thus inform their deceased loved ones that Christ has risen, so you will not see a sad expression on their faces.
Also on this holiday it is customary to drink a glass of wine near the tombstones of your loved ones or even arrange a small feast. So, Georgians hope that they will not be alone in another world, and they will also be visited by relatives and friends.
The Great Day of Victory over Fascism
This significant holiday is celebrated as a great victory over fascist ideology. In Tbilisi, on May 9, a celebration takes place in the city park Vake, once there, you can observe the illusion of the events of the spring of 1945, when couples in love were dancing in the square in flowers to a brass band near the grave of the unknown soldier.
In Georgia, on this day, veterans and children of war are congratulated with numerous bouquets of flowers, they are treated with respect and respect. The holiday dedicated to the end of a terrible and long war takes place simultaneously in a festive and mournful atmosphere. At this time, a big concert, a solemn show and a banquet are held for veterans, they are wished health and happiness.
St. Andrew the First-Called's Day
According to the resolution of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church, on May 12, Andrew the First-Called arrived in Georgia to preach Christianity. On the day of this holy Apostle, Orthodox Christians gather for service in the Blue Monastery church ("Lurji Monasteri"). The temple was built in the XII century and today it is named in his honor. Andrew the First-Called is revered by the locals and loved by them, because he was the first who preached Christianity on the territory of present-day Georgia.
In addition, on December 13, Georgians also celebrate St. Andrew's Day, since this day is timed to his death.
The Apostle Andrew the First-Called performed many amazing miracles during his lifetime, during his prayers seriously ill people coped with ailments. Even today, many believers turn to St. Andrew for help in difficult life situations.
St. Andrew the First-Called is considered the patron saint of marriage and family values. Prayer to him helps lovers get married and build harmonious relationships in the family.
Independence and Freedom Day of Georgia from the Russian Empire
The official state holiday marking the freedom of Georgia takes place on May 26. This is a great day for all residents of Georgia, because it was on May 26, 1918 that Georgia became a free country after the collapse of the Russian Empire. However, this period lasted only 3 years, after which the state became part of the USSR for a long time. Only on March 31, 1991, Georgia finally gained the status of an independent state.
Independence Day in Georgia is celebrated on a large scale, military personnel and military equipment are being prepared for the celebration. The celebration begins with a parade on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi, thousands of servicemen of various troops pass along the main street of the capital of Georgia, followed by military equipment of several samples. At this time, in the sky directly above the parade, several planes are drawing bizarre pictures and patterns.
After the parade, as a rule, active children and young people take part in the celebration, they show numbers as part of a festive concert. Sports events and competitive games are also held on this day. In the late afternoon, an interesting show concert is held in the historical center of Tbilisi for everyone.
On Independence Day, the flower festival “Vardobistvo” takes place in the Vake City Park. You will be able to see many different flowers and plants that gather in an amazing rainbow, marking the victory and independence of Georgia.
Orthodox holiday St. Mary's Day (Mariamoba)
Mariamoba is understood by locals as a celebration dedicated to St. Mary, in the Georgian way her name is pronounced as Mariami. Saint Mary is revered by Christian believers as the defender of the whole of Georgia in the eyes of Jesus Christ. The holiday is dedicated to the ascension of the Mother of God to another world, in addition, this day means the end of a two-week fast.
Local Orthodox residents come to the church on St. Mary's Day for a solemn liturgy, which is held everywhere on August 28. After the service, the families celebrate Mariamoba in a narrow family circle.
St. Mary's Day has a long history in Georgia, as it was established back in 582 by the Byzantine Emperor Maurice. However, historians claim that the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated by Orthodox Christians much earlier. It is believed that this holiday was celebrated in the first era of the spread of Christianity in Georgia.
After Jesus Christ ascended, the Virgin Mary constantly prayed that her soul would be accepted in the Kingdom of Heaven. During one of her prayers, the heavens opened up to her and the Archangel Gabriel told her that soon her soul would ascend to heaven.
The last wish of the Virgin Mary was to see all the apostles together and say goodbye to each of them. The Lord approved of her desire and gathered together all the apostles who were in different countries and preaching the Word of God. The first apostle before Mary was Paul, and then the others, the exception was the apostle Thomas, because he was in India. So, Mary praised them for their teachings and said goodbye to each of them, after which a bright light reigned in the room around 9 o'clock in the evening, marking the departure of the Virgin Mary to the Kingdom of Heaven. The pure soul of the Virgin Mary ascended to heaven under the wonderful singing of angels.
After the ascension of the Virgin Mary, the eleven apostles prayed all night, and her house was filled with amazing aromas. According to the wish of the Virgin Mary, she was buried in Gethsemane. All those who came to worship at the relics of the Virgin Mary were miraculously healed, as she contained incredible healing power. The Apostle Thomas, who did not have time to say goodbye to Mary, visited her grave. However, he discovered that her body had disappeared, leaving behind a wonderful fragrance. Thus, Christ took the body of the Virgin Mary to heaven.
National Christian Holiday of Mtskhetoba-Svetitskhovloba in Georgia
All Orthodox Christians celebrate this holiday in the ancient city of Georgia - Mtskheta, where the amazing Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is located today, it is there that a service with the Patriarch of All Georgia is held on this day. It is really an amazing celebration: the majestic cathedral, the golden robe of the clergy and the sacrament of religious rites. After the end of the service in the cathedral, at the confluence of two rivers (Aragvi and Kura), baptism begins, many families come to Mtskheta just for this event. In addition, tourists and locals on this day, as a rule, visit other sights of Mtskheta, for example, ancient temples and the monastery of Jvari.
This holiday is based on an ancient belief that tells how two priests brought the chiton of Jesus to Georgia, where he was executed. After the chiton was buried, an amazing cedar grew in the same place, which had healing properties of incredible power. Subsequently, the cedar was called the Life-giving Pillar.
At the beginning of the IV century, the first Georgian tsar ordered a church to be erected at the burial site of the chiton, so the cedar was burned, however, the builders failed to destroy the trunk. Saint Nino managed to beg forgiveness from Christ, so the cedar was miraculously transferred, and a beautiful church grew up in its place. The pillars of this church were built from the same cedar. Many years later, only in the XI century, the wooden church was replaced by the Svetitskhovlob Cathedral.
The solemn and majestic St. George's Day
The image of St. George the Victorious is familiar to every child since childhood, as a rule, he was depicted on a horse, fighting with a spear with an evil serpent. George the Victorious is one of the most highly revered and beloved saints in Orthodox families in Georgia. According to religious beliefs, Saint Nino, who is known as the main preacher of Christianity in Georgia, bequeathed to all Georgians to protect the memory of her beloved brother and honor him.
St. George is revered by Georgian residents as a great Martyr, because he acted as a defender of Orthodox Christians from oppression and discontent, for which he himself was subjected to the most severe tortures. In the eyes of Georgians, he acts as the most important defender and patron. The history of St. George dates back to the era of the formation of Christianity in Georgia, and his death is timed to the day of November 23.
St. George's Day is widely and solemnly celebrated by local residents. The holiday begins with prayers to St. George for the well-being and health of his loved ones and relatives. Bells are ringing in Orthodox churches in Georgia on this day. After a solemn service in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, located in Tbilisi, local residents celebrate the holiday in a family circle, among relatives and friends. In every city of Georgia, a large table is served with delicious treats, they invite their friends and relatives, sing traditional songs and dance with the whole family.
In addition to the holidays listed above, there are some other significant days for the Orthodox Church in Georgia. So, on May 14, St. Tamara's Day (Tamaroba) is celebrated, and on June 1, local residents celebrate St. Nino's Day (Ninooba).
On April 15, Georgia celebrates the Day of Love, which is celebrated by all lovers. On July 16, the celebration of the Day of Spiritual Love takes place, which means the love of God for every person without exception.
It is best for a tourist to visit Georgia during the celebration of Rtveli, which is celebrated in early autumn. This day marks the harvest, grapes, the whole family meets and spends their free time together. Also, the Rtveli holiday is accompanied by street concerts and entertainment shows.
I would like to wish every traveler to visit a solemn holiday in Georgia at least once. After all, this is really a unique opportunity to enjoy polyphonic songs and traditional dances, to see the Georgian feast in its full beauty and feel the amazing atmosphere of the holiday. If you have already been to Georgia during the national holidays, then be sure to share your emotions and impressions in the comments!
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В статье очень полезная информация для желающих попасть на местного народное гулянье. Можно выбрать для себя праздник по душе и запланировать отдых в Грузии на этот период. Но, если планировать не удаётся, то можно выбирать любой месяц - так или иначе застанешь какой-нибудь праздник.
Также в Грузии есть традиции, связанные с любовью и романтикой, которые могут быть частью празднования Дня Влюбленных:
1. Песни и танцы: Грузинская культура известна своими традиционными песнями и танцами. В этот день могут проводиться специальные музыкальные и танцевальные выступления.
2. Романтические ужины: Многие рестораны создают романтическую атмосферу для пар, предлагая специальные ужины с музыкой, свечами и украшениями.
3. Подарки сделанные своими руками: Важным аспектом грузинской культуры является забота о близких. Многие делают подарки своими руками, что добавляет особого значения этому дню.
4. Посещение мест романтического значения: В этот день пары часто посещают красивые места, парки, набережные или горы для романтических прогулок.
А на каком празднике в Грузии побывали вы?
One of the most significant holidays in Georgia is New Year's Day, which falls on January 1st. It marks the beginning of the year and is celebrated with fireworks, festive meals, and gatherings with family and friends.
Another notable holiday is Georgian Orthodox Christmas, observed on January 7th. This religious holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a time for prayer, attending church services, and enjoying traditional Georgian cuisine.
Easter, an important Christian holiday, is celebrated in Georgia as well. The date varies each year based on the Orthodox calendar, but it typically falls in spring. Georgians participate in religious processions, share meals, and exchange painted eggs as symbols of new life and rebirth.
Independence Day on May 26th is a significant national holiday in Georgia. It commemorates the country's independence from the Soviet Union and is marked by various festivities, parades, concerts, and cultural events across the nation.
Georgia also celebrates Labor Day on May 1st, which is a public holiday dedicated to workers and their contributions to society. It is a day off for most people and an opportunity to relax and enjoy leisure activities.
Throughout the year, there are other public holidays such as Victory Day on May 9th, which honors the victory over fascism in World War II, and St. George's Day on November 23rd, celebrating the patron saint of Georgia.
These holidays offer Georgians a chance to reconnect with their cultural roots, spend time with loved ones, and reflect on the nation's history. They play a vital role in fostering a sense of unity and pride among the people of Georgia while allowing them to take a break from their daily routines and enjoy memorable moments.
Один из наиболее ярких праздников в Грузии - День Независимости, который отмечается 26 мая. В этот день грузинцы с гордостью отмечают освобождение страны от оккупации и проводят различные праздничные мероприятия, включая парады, концерты и фейерверки.
Еще одним важным праздником является День Конституции, который отмечается 17 июля. В этот день Грузия отмечает принятие своей первой конституции в 1995 году. Во многих городах страны проводятся праздничные мероприятия, включая концерты, выставки и фестивали.
Грузия также славится своими традиционными праздниками. Например, Рождество Грузинской православной церкви отмечается 7 января. В этот день множество людей посещают церкви, чтобы помолиться и отпраздновать рождение Христа. Традиционные блюда, такие как хачапури (грузинская пирожная с сыром) и сациви (мясная запеканка), традиционно подаются на праздничном столе.
Еще один знаменательный праздник - Пасха, который отмечается весной в соответствии с православным календарем. В этот день грузинцы устраивают пикники, где наслаждаются традиционными блюдами, такими как ламаджо (тонкое слоеное тесто с начинкой) и чурчхела (сладкий кондитерский изделие из грецких орехов, обмотанный виноградными лозинами).
Помимо этого, в Грузии проводятся различные фестивали и культурные мероприятия на протяжении всего года. Например, Тбилиси Международный ки
нофестиваль, Батумский карнавал и Свани фестиваль - это только некоторые из множества событий, которые можно ожидать в 2023 году.
Все праздники в Грузии в 2023 году представляют уникальную возможность познакомиться с местной культурой и традициями, насладиться великолепными грузинскими блюдами и испытать радость и радушие грузинского народа. Вне зависимости от времени вашего визита, вы обязательно найдете в Грузии праздник, который будет вам запоминаться на долгое время.
Я всегда интересовалась культурой Грузии и ее национальными праздниками, и благодаря вашей статье, я узнала о множестве новых и захватывающих традициях, которые сочетают в себе историю, веру и национальный дух грузинского народа.
Ваша статья была очень хорошо написана и оформлена. Она была структурирована таким образом, что я без труда могла найти информацию о каждом из праздников, и их историю и значение. Каждый раздел был ёмким и содержал интересные факты и легенды, которые делали чтение еще более увлекательным.
Особо мне понравилось то, как вы подробно описали каждый праздник и его традиции. Я с удовольствием узнала о национальных костюмах, танцах, музыке и еде, которые связаны с каждым праздником. Это позволило мне лучше понять грузинскую культуру и получить представление о том, какие события и обычаи привлекают внимание грузинского народа в течение года.
Я также оценила ваши рекомендации и советы о том, как лучше всего отпраздновать каждый праздник. Ваши идеи о том, как участвовать в национальных гуляниях, пробовать традиционные блюда и присоединяться к танцам и песням, вдохновляют меня реализовать эти идеи самостоятельно или посетить Грузию во время этих особых событий.
Что касается комментариев под статьей, я заметила, что многим людям она понравилась и вызвала желание погрузиться в атмосферу грузинских праздников. Люди благодарили вас за подробную информацию и за то, что вы делитесь знаниями о грузинской культуре. Это еще раз подтверждает, что ваша статья действительно полезна и вызывает интерес у людей.
Наконец, я хотела бы выразить свою искреннюю благодарность за вашу статью. Она позволила мне узнать о грузинских праздниках, которые я раньше не знала, и расширить свои знания о грузинской культуре. Я бы с радостью рекомендовала эту статью всем, кто интересуется культурой Грузии и хочет узнать больше о ее национальных праздниках.
Спасибо вам за вашу работу и за то, что делитесь своими знаниями и страстью с нами. Я непременно буду следить за вашим блогом и ждать с нетерпением новых интересных публикаций о Грузии. Огромное спасибо за вашу статью, и желаю вам дальнейших успехов в вашем творчестве!