Try healthy sweets in Georgia, pelamushi and other unusual goodies that you can try
Georgia is full of goodies that a tourist should definitely try. You can find all of them in cafes and restaurants in Tbilisi and Batumi. Pelamushi, tangerine honey, nadugi and unusually green adjika. Be sure to visit restaurants in Georgia and get a gastronomic pleasure.
Try the national dishes of Georgian cuisine⬇️
Georgia is very different from other countries. These differences are not only in culture, traditions and mentality, but also in cuisine. Restaurants, cafes of Georgian cuisine are popular all over the world.
Some dishes can be prepared for you only in Georgia.
If you get to Georgia, even some products will be unusual and incomprehensible for you. Most of the products unknown to us are insanely delicious, so every tourist should try them, and maybe bring them home with him as a gift. You won't find such delicacies and products anywhere else. In the article you will read about the most delicious and unusual Georgian dishes.
The unusual sweetness of pelamushi. Almost everyone knows about the classic sweets that can be tasted in Georgia, namely about churchkhela and pastila tklapi from fruits. But few people know about one unusual sweetness. Its name is "Pelamushi".
You can try this dessert in any cafe, restaurant or buy it in a regular store. However, in this case, she will no longer have such a homely taste. Pelamushi is a whipped jelly made from grape juice.
Georgian honey
Do you like honey? Even if you are not a fan of honey, you should try the unusual Georgian honey. It would seem that in Russia and in other countries there are a huge number of types of honey: buckwheat, lime, chestnut, flower, acacia and that's not all.
Have you ever seen tangerine honey? Georgia has it! The taste of this honey is not like the rest, it is very unusual. Be sure to buy it and bring it home as a gift.
Georgian cheese
If you are a lover of unusual cheese delicacies, then you can find them in Georgia. Have you ever heard of Hood's cheese? Guda cheese is not available in all countries, so you definitely need to try it. Like any other type of cheese, this one is also an amateur and not everyone will like it, but its taste is very bright and rich, and the aroma is sharp.
This cheese is made from cow's milk. Cheese is aged on a sheepskin dish. Such an interesting production technique leads to an unusual taste.
Everyone knows about adjika. You may even have tried it. You can buy it in stores. Someone makes it on their own. But which one have you tried? Red? Did you know that there is also a green one? Green adjika is made from fresh hot peppers and herbs.
The taste turns out to be very spicy, spicy and generally unusual.
Another unusual product is nadugi. Nadugi is something between ordinary cottage cheese and ricotta, so at first you can confuse it with cottage cheese. The combination of cottage cheese and ricotta gives a very creamy, delicate, juicy taste, with an aftertaste of fresh cow's milk.
Be sure to try it here, in restaurants or cafes, you will not be able to bring it home – a short shelf life.
Chacha, in general, is a feature of Georgian cuisine and an unusual Georgian alcoholic drink. Chacha in Georgia is the most diverse, for every taste and color: grape, peach, raspberry, cherry, barberry ...
But you need to be careful with chacha – it's quite strong alcohol.
Have you ever tried tkemali? And did you know that there were, it turns out, a lot of types of tkemali. This is not only a reddish sauce with a sweet and sour garlic taste, which is not sharp. There are a lot of types of tkemali and a lot of different tastes.
In Georgia, you can find all these types in ordinary shops, cafes, restaurants. For example, you can find green tkemali, which has a very sour taste, yellow, it is slightly sweeter, with a slight, barely perceptible sharpness and greater sweetness.
Lilac tkemali is the sweetest of all. It all depends on the plums from which it is prepared. You won't believe it, but that's not all. This is just a standard set. If you go to the market, you will meet all the variety of shades, the whole color circle.
Be sure to try all these products if you are in Georgia. Bring something with you as a gift or a gift to your friends and family - they will definitely like it. All these products can be found in restaurants and cafes, some are sold in shops in Tbilisi and Batumi.
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Моя отдельная любовь - это сыры. Уверена, что своими разнообразными сырами Грузия попала бы мне в самое сердце.
Аджику обожаю. Грузинскую, конечно, я не пробовала, но однажды в Сочи мне посчастливилось приобрести зелёную аджику - ела с большим удовольствием.
Ну, вот единственное, что меня как-то не вдохновляет - это чача. Вино я бы ещё выпила, но вот более крепкие напитки я не люблю.
Ещё аджику можно добавить при варке борща, даёт остроту, такой пикантный вкус получается. Есть тут любители аджики или ткемали? Какие вкусы нравятся вам больше?
А ещё я не пробовала пеламуши. Очень хотелось бы попробовать, уверена, это будет очень вкусно, мне кажется, чем-то рахат-лукум будет напоминать.
И поверьте мне, я нашел то, что искал! Чурчхела - это просто вкусное чудо! Это грузинский сладкий деликатес, приготовленный из грецких орехов, к которым прикреплены нити виноградной пасты. Это не только вкусно, но и очень красиво!
В Батуми я наткнулся на место, где купить чурчхелу в Батуми. Это место погрузило меня в мир аутентичных грузинских сладостей. Я был в полном восторге, наслаждаясь каждым кусочком. Если вы, как и я, обожаете сладости, я настоятельно рекомендую вам найти это место и попробовать грузинскую чурчхелу. Поверьте мне, это будет незабываемый опыт!
Также, я узнала о грузинском меде о котором раньше не слышала.
очень интересно.А вот попробовать я бы хотела:пеламуши,мандариновый мёд(наверняка этот мёд тоже целебный),грузинские сыры,аджику зе-
лёную,можно и красную,надуги,ткемали,а чачу пропущу (ну если только пригубить,я знаю,что это очень крепкий алкогольный напиток),а так
все перечислила.Обжорка.