Traditional Georgian kharcho soup is from the list of the most delicious Georgian dishes.
Real kharcho soup can be tasted only after visiting Georgia. The most delicious Georgian dish is prepared according to traditional recipes on beef broth. Kharcho soup, a popular dish of Georgia, was loved by many tourists for its taste and aroma
The exact date of appearance of this Georgian dish is unknown. Some say that the appearance of thissoup it is connected with the beginning of the development of livestock by the Caucasian peoples.
Kharcho soup is one of the most popular and widespread dishes in Georgia. These treats are usually cooked in beef broth. The main ingredients are rice, meat, walnuts, lemon juice or pomegranate. The combination of these ingredients together withspicy spices and herbs gives an unusual taste and aroma to the dish. This national Georgian treat is a soup on a rich broth with the addition of spicy spices, garlic and herbs. The treat turns out to be very spicy. This is what distinguishes him.
Cooking options
There are many options for cooking kharcho soup. Some do not add rice, and someone replaces beef meat with poultry or pork. It is important to note that kharcho is not only Georgian soup. This is also called beef meat in a sauce of nuts. Even in Georgia there are many recipes and options for serving this soup.

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Люблю статьи о грузинской кухне, но мне очень не хватает подробных рецептов. Либо это связано с тем, что в грузинской кухне их просто нет, и тогда вся готовка становится творчеством и импровизацией. Либо автору нет никакого оправдания)))