The natural content of the Batumi Botanical Garden. Rose garden, bamboo forest, fragrant duchess and much more.

The Botanical Garden in Batumi is a favorite vacation spot not only for citizens, but also for tourists. The blog "MadLoba" will tell you what plants grow here, what kind of atmosphere reigns, what details tourists often do not pay attention to. Here you will find real reviews of people who have already visited here and put their own opinion about the botanical garden.

Nature of the Botanic Garden of Batumi⬇️


We are back in the botanical garden. Today we enjoy blooming trees, plants. There is aromatherapy here, because there are a lot of plants that bloom, smell and delight the eye.

Our walk has begun and we are greeted by a beautiful flowerbed with pale blue forget-me-nots and a magnificent rosalia.

The first hit of our walk is a tree that smells delicious duchess. We didn't find the nameplate, so we don't know the name of this plant.

Mysterious Japanese maples.

An amazing plant that fills the garden with bright colors. There are 150 species in the world. This is one of the fastest growing trees, in a year the maple is able to grow by 1.5 - 2 meters. Japanese maple is listed in the Red Book.


This plant is associated primarily with red berries, but a flowering bush is no less a beautiful sight. Viburnum blooms with lush white umbrellas.

Let's take a walk along the alley of roses and enjoy the wonderful aroma and beauty. Then we pass by a strange bald tree and see an unusually beautiful plant — a Weigela bush.

Viburnum berries on a bush


The flowering of Veigela is absolutely fantastic. It is so abundant that the bush looks more like a beautiful bouquet or huge clouds of pink, crimson, white consisting of flowers. The flowers resemble small bells

Then we climb up the stairs past the chestnuts, the monument to A. Krasnov, we are on our way to the Japanese garden. We pass by luxurious hydrangea bushes that will not leave anyone indifferent, you can admire them endlessly. Next we see Azalea.


In the east, Azalea is identified with dazzling beauty, intoxicating charm and at the same time with the poisonous cunning of a woman. Touching tragic legends are composed about Azalea.

The legend of how the Azalea bush appeared.

One day a wandering gypsy camp stopped on the territory of the great Maharaja's possession. In this camp there were two amazing girls, beautiful sisters, whose names were Aza and Leah, once the Maharajah invited gypsies to his holiday to entertain the guests. For the sake of interest, he held out his palm to Leah and asked her to predict his fate. Leah had read him into trouble. Then the Maharajah became angry and ordered the gypsies to be killed! But the sisters managed to escape. During the escape, they stumbled and fell down a steep slope. When people found the sisters under the mountain, only one of them was alive. They tried to find out her name from the girl, but she, dying, only managed to utter AzaLea. The peasants buried the sisters under the mountain, and a beautiful bush grew on the site of their grave, which people called Azalea, in memory of the lost beauty.

Azalea Bush Flowers

Japanese Garden in Batumi

In the Japanese Garden of the Botanical Garden of Batumi there is a wonderful pond in which frogs and fish live. There are also many interesting and beautiful plants here. For example, Cercis.


Gardeners love this plant for its unusual wonderful flowering. At the end of spring, it is covered with lilac-purple small flowers collected in bunches that appear in the axils of the leaves and just on the trunk.

The flowers are very beautiful, often irregularly shaped and odorless, and by the end of summer they form long beans up to 11 cm.

Flowering of the Cercis plant

The next hit of our walk is Medicinal Magnolia

Magnolia is a very ancient plant. The first magnolias grew back in the age of dinosaurs. Magnolias appeared on earth in the Cretaceous period about 140 million years ago and stand at the origins of the origin of flowering plants. Before the onset of the ice age, magnolia was also common in the forests of the middle latitudes. There were no bees yet, so the flowers of these plants are adapted to pollination with the help of beetles.

These are very rare exotic plants with an original shape of the crown and leaves, spectacular large snow-white flowers 15-20 cm in diameter. In the second half of May, after the leaves bloom, the magnolia is covered with snow-white flowers.

Magnolia flower on a tree

One of the most interesting places in the botanical garden

One of the most interesting in the botanical garden is the blooming glade, there is a cross, which was installed with the blessing of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilya II.

This cross is called the Bolnisi cross — a Georgian cross with expanding sleeves. It has been used in Georgia since the 5th century.

The cross is decorated with stone carvings depicting a vine. The vine and the Orthodox cross are inseparable in Georgia. Saint Nino made the first cross from a vine.

If you come here at sunset, you will see how everything turns almost dark red, bloody color. An unforgettable sight.

As I have already said, the cross is located in a blooming meadow. There are many flowers growing here: California Ashsholtsia, Phlox, different colors, forget-me-nots. A magical place.

A wonderful rose garden in Batumi in the Botanical Garden

We came to a wonderful rose garden. Today there are 107 varieties of beautiful roses in the collection area of the Batumi Botanical Garden. Most of the roses have already bloomed and smell great.

Вид сверху на Ботанический сад в Батуми



A luxurious plant native to Australia — Leptospermum broom-shaped or paniculate.

It is better known worldwide as Manuka.

Unique honey and essential oil are extracted from this hardy and powerful plant, which is equated with tea tree in terms of antibacterial properties.

Of all the Australian plants, it is Manuka that claims to be the main beautiful-flowering crop.

Amazing Bamboo Forest

Bamboo is grass, but many of its larger species look like trees. Growing thickly, they form amazing forests. We also wandered into such a forest.

During the walk in the botanical garden, we saw many beautiful landscapes, inhaled the aromas of flowers and trees, heard the birds singing, the sea roaring, the leaves on the trees swaying. We were energized and in a good mood.

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  • Y
    A truly enchanting spot for all the romantics out there! Batumi Botanical Garden offers a splendid natural haven, perfect for lovebirds. With its Rose Garden, Bamboo Grove, fragrant blossoms, and more, it's a place of pure magic. Lose yourselves amidst nature's wonders and create unforgettable memories.
  • D
    Как раз ведь в мае больше всего цветов должно быть, так что это самое удачное время для посещения ботанического сада. Но с другой стороны, как бы там не одуреть от изобилия ароматов. У меня однажды был такой случай, когда голова начала кружиться. Причём не понятно было до конца от чего именно. А ведь есть ещё люди с аллергией на цветы.
  • B
    С каждым разом всё больше влюбляюсь в этот ботанический сад в Батуми! Сколько здесь зеленой растительности, цветущих деревьев и кустов! Нежно-голубыме незабудки, великолепные розалии, дерево, с ароматом дюшеса, загадочные японские клёны. И даже редкое экзотическое растение - магнолия, оно очень древнее, росла ещё в эпоху динозавров.
  • D
    Дерево, пахнущее дюшесом - открытие для меня! Не встречала подобного, даже только ради него я бы съездила в этот Ботанический сад. Легенда про Азалию тронула меня до глубины души, теперь будет вспоминаться каждый раз при взгляде на этот прекрасный цветок. И конечно же, как теперь не побывать на цветущей поляне, после такого описания похода на нее вечером.
  • М
    Как же сильно я люблю легенды. И история про Азалию навсегда мне запомнится. Она простая и поразительная. Ботанический сад в Батуми и без историй привлекает к себе внимание, но благодаря таким красивым легендам есть бесконечный интерес к посещению. Отдыхая в Грузии нельзя не съездить в ботанический сад. Даже просто погулять, пофотографироваться, насладиться ароматами.
  • A
    Красивая статья и просто невероятные фотографии подобраны. Описание этого места просто потрясающее. Спасибо автору, обязательно стану посетителем данного места.
  • И
    Прекрасное и цветочное видео Ботанического сада Батуми, которую стоить посетить каждому туристу в Грузии. Столько цветов и цветочных деревьев в одном месте. На столько гармоничное и красивое место. Природа всегда удивляет своей красотой, но, когда все в цветах это поднимает настроение. Мне кажется этот сад можно назвать даже анти депрессией для тех, кому грустно и хочется отдохнуть душой.