Schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children. Documents for admission to Tbilisi schools for Russians and tuition fees
Everything about schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children is collected in one article! Follow the link right now and choose the best school for your child! We will tell you about both private and public schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children.
All about schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children⬇️
School education in Georgia Russian-speaking children can also easily receive it. Special private and public schools have been created for this purpose. Let's talk about which ones are suitable for Russian children in Tbilisi.
There are 12 such schools operating here, which are provided by the state. Their education is free, a special program “School of Russia” has been created for students who know only Russian.
Among the features, the Georgian accent is noted by some teachers and classes of 40 people. Nevertheless, schools numbered 37, 96, 98 and 116 receive a lot of praise from students and their parents.
The main disadvantage of teaching a Russian-speaking child in a Georgian school is the increased complexity of mastering the material due to differences in the school curriculum. In this regard, before enrolling, the student takes exams in the main subjects to find out the passing score. In some institutions, it is enough to successfully pass an oral interview with a teacher.
Many parents remain dissatisfied with the format of education and the arrangement of school hours. The number of students in one class reaches up to 40 people, so the public school works in two shifts. The quality of the Russian language taught may also suffer, since many teachers speak with a characteristic
List of public schools in Tbilisi for Russian - speaking students
School No. 37 named after Marjanishvili
School No. 64 named after Sarbutalo
Ortachal School No. 72
Gldani School No. 79
School No. 96 named after 300 Aragvinets
Avlabari School No. 98
Varketili School No. 105
Tsereteli School No. 116
Gldani School No. 132
Temka School No. 142
Ortachal School No. 144
Varketili School No. 146

Private schools in Tbilisi for Russian-speaking children, there are only 4. The cost of tuition depends on the school, some imply that the child is at school from morning to evening.
List of private schools in Tbilisi for Russian - speaking students
- Stemlab School for Grades 1-9. The education is based on the American K-12 standard with a STEM approach. Children study English, mathematics, and natural sciences in depth every day. The school offers many extracurricular clubs (programming, chess, robotics, gymnastics, creativity). There is an extended day program and holiday camps. Numerous competitions, Olympiads, and field trips are organized.
- The projector. There are no more than 15 students in the class, which provides individual training. It is considered the most expensive school, but classes provide for participation in electives, trips, various activities aimed at developing not only intellectual abilities, but also human qualities of the child.
- Intelligence+. The largest school for Russian-speaking children, children from 12 different countries study there. The cost of training is up to a thousand dollars a year, which is 7 times less than in the “Projector".
- New Georgian Gymnasium. A school based on the British model, a sector for Russian-speaking children has existed not so long ago, but has already established itself among the Georgian population. Compulsory study of the national and English languages in the process of education.
- Free School. Education is already available for Russian-speaking children. School day from morning to evening. You will have to pay about five thousand GEL.

As in any country, in order for a student to be included in the lists of students, it is necessary to fill out an application and settle some formalities.
- Birth certificate or passport and their notarized copies.
- Application form of the school.
- Health certificate.
- Parents' passports and their copies.
- Two photos of the child.
- When entering a class other than the first, the student's personal file from the previous school.
Please note that a specific educational institution has the right to impose increased requirements for the enrollment of schoolchildren. It is best to contact the reception of the school in person or by phone to get up-to-date and reliable information, for example, before admission, you need to check the availability of free seats in classes.
Madloba Catalog wishes to get a decent education for your children! If you have chosen one of the Georgian schools for admission, do not forget to contact the school management directly to clarify the list of necessary documents and tuition fees.

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Во-первых, я бы хотела отметить, что информация в статье была представлена очень ясно и легко усваиваемо. Я без труда смогла ознакомиться с преимуществами и недостатками разных школ в Тбилиси и понять, какая из них будет наиболее подходящей для моего ребенка. Также, статья содержит практические советы о том, как успешно устроить ребенка в новую школу и помочь ему адаптироваться к новой среде. Эти советы, безусловно, будут мне полезны в будущем. Кроме того, статья предоставила мне обзор различных частных и государственных школ в Тбилиси, что было особенно ценно. Теперь я знаю больше о том, что может предложить каждая школа, и могу принять более обоснованное решение при выборе. Я всегда ставлю безопасность и дружелюбную атмосферу школы на первое место. Поэтому, я была рада узнать, что в Тбилиси есть так много школ, где созданы комфортные условия для учебы и развития детей, а также принимаются русскоязычные ученики с радостью и заботой. В заключении, я хотела бы сказать большое спасибо автору этой статьи за информативность, ясность и полезность. Я получила массу новых знаний о школах в Тбилиси для русскоговорящих детей и теперь уверена, что приняла правильное решение в выборе образовательного учреждения для своего ребенка. Рекомендую эту статью всем родителям, которые ищут лучшую школу для своих детей в Тбилиси.
Там же есть телефон для справок Минорба Грузии.