We have collected all the most interesting things about Georgia
Tag: грузинское искусство
Studio Art Gallery – Contemporary Georgian Art in Every Detail
Studio Art Gallery is a modern art space in Georgia with branches in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. Here you can see and buy works of Georgian artists, order the framing of paintings and immerse yourself in the world of art.
შალვა და პეტრე ამირანაშვილის სახლ-მუზეუმი ჩხარში – ქართული ხელოვნებისა და მეცნიერების მემკვიდრეობა
Learn about the history of the Shalva and Petre Amiranashvili House Museum in the village of Chkhari. Exhibits, rare artifacts, scientific works, archival materials and important moments in the lives of famous Georgian figures.
Arsen Pochkhua House Museum in Kutaisi – Temple of Art and Music
Visit the Arsen Pochkhua House Museum in Kutaisi to learn about the life and work of the brilliant Georgian artist and musician. Unique carvings, graphics and musical instruments await you!
David Kakabadze Fine Art Gallery in Kutaisi – a Treasury of Georgian Painting
Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of art at the David Kakabadze Gallery in Kutaisi! It features works by legendary Georgian artists such as Niko Pirosmani, Lado Gudiashvili, Elena Akhvlediani and others.
Merab Berdzenishvili Contemporary Art Gallery in Ozurgeti
The Ozurgeti Contemporary Art Gallery presents works by Georgian artists, folk art, tapestries, wood carvings. Learn about the paintings of Lado Gudiashvili, Elena Akhvlediani and other masters.