

Popular places worth visiting in Batumi

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The Most Frequent Questions

How to get from Tbilisi to Batumi?

There are many options for traveling from Tbilisi to Batumi. You can choose the high-speed train, which departs daily and promises a comfortable journey of about 5 hours. If you prefer to travel by road, consider the comfortable buses or minibuses that depart every hour from the Didube and Dedakalaki bus stations, which are located near the Tbilisi train station. The journey will take about 6.5 hours and will cost you 40 GEL. Of course, there is always the option of renting a car or using taxi services to travel according to your own schedule.

Where is the best place to stay in Batumi?

Batumi offers a variety of accommodation options, from modern hotels to cozy guest houses and apartments for longer stays. Many tourists prefer the waterfront area due to its close proximity to the sea and the city's main attractions. However, it should be noted that this area is lively until late at night and can be noisy until the early morning. If you are looking for a quieter place, consider private accommodation options. As for transportation, taxis in Batumi are affordable, and public transportation runs regularly. Don't forget to enjoy the beautiful beach area, which stretches for 7 kilometers along the city's coast.

What is the weather like in Batumi and when is the best time to visit Adjara?

Batumi has a moderate subtropical climate, bringing hot and humid summer months, while winters are relatively mild with high humidity. The most pleasant time to visit the city is from May to the first half of October, when the air temperature fluctuates around +24…26 °C, and the sea water warms up to a comfortable +24 °C.

What are the top attractions in Batumi that you shouldn't miss?

Batumi has many amazing places that are waiting for you to visit. Among the most significant are:

  • The famous Batumi embankment, where life is in full swing at any time of the year.
  • The emotional statue of lovers Ali and Nino, symbolizing eternal love.
  • The picturesque Batumi Boulevard, an ideal place for walks.
  • Piazza is a square with unique architecture and atmosphere.
  • The beautiful Batumi Botanical Garden with rare plants.
  • The fascinating Dancing Fountains, which turn into a real show in the evening.
  • The Georgian Alphabet Tower, where you can learn more about the culture of the country.
  • The snow-white Colonnade is a place with an ancient Greek vibe.
  • And, of course, the Batumi Sea Port is the city's gateway to the sea.
Where is the cleanest sea and beach in Batumi?

One of the cleanest beaches is considered to be the Children's Beach near the seaport, the Ferris Wheel and the sculpture "Ali and Nino". However, it is the most crowded, so you should just walk along the coastline and choose a place to your liking - after all, almost the entire coastline along Batumi is one big beach. You can read reviews about each section of the Batumi beach and see its photos in our catalog of Batumi beaches.

What is the distance to Batumi from Tbilisi?

The distance from Batumi to Tbilisi is 262 kilometers in a straight line, 376 kilometers on foot, 360 kilometers by road and 343 km by rail.

What does the name of the city Batumi mean?

The name of the city of Batumi, located on the Black Sea coast of Georgia, has a rich history and cultural heritage. There are several theories regarding the origin of the name of this city. One theory connects the name Batumi with the Svan word "bat", which means "deep". This interpretation emphasizes the unique geographical location of Batumi, located in the only deep bay on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, which made it a strategically important place since ancient times.

Another theory refers to ancient sources, in particular, to the mentions of the city of Batus by authors such as Aristotle and Pliny the Elder. There is an assumption that Batus could have been an ancient predecessor of modern Batumi. However, as you mentioned, the lack of specific archaeological finds and detailed descriptions from Aristotle leaves this theory without definitive confirmation.

On historical maps, the city was sometimes marked as Batumi, but the motives and accuracy of the cartographers of that time can be questionable, and there is still no single version of the origin of the city's name confirmed by archaeological or historical evidence. Thus, the origin of the name Batumi remains a subject of research and debate among historians and archaeologists. Despite this, Batumi continues to attract attention with its unique history, culture and beautiful Black Sea coast.

What is the coat of arms and flag of Batumi?

Flag of Batumi:

Флаг Батуми.png

Coat of arms of Batumi:

Герб Батуми.jpeg

What was the name of the city of Batumi before?

The city of Batumi was called Batomi in the Middle Ages. After 1878 it was called Batum, and since 1936 the city has received its modern name - Batumi.

What language do they speak in Batumi?

In Batumi, as in the rest of Georgia, the main language is Georgian. Georgian belongs to the South Caucasian (Kartvelian) language family and is the official language of Georgia. In Batumi, which is a popular tourist city on the Black Sea coast, Russian and English are also widely spoken, especially in the tourism sector, including hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.

Where is Batumi?

Batumi is a city on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, located on the Kakhaber Lowland, approximately 2-3 meters above sea level. Its territory extends in a crescent shape for about 7 km from north to west. Batumi is located in close proximity to Batumi Bay in the northern part of the Kakhaber Lowland and is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. It borders the Bartskhana and Korolistskali rivers.

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  • Александр Маркевич
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    Когда я впервые прибыл сюда, не ожидал, что это место кардинально изменит мое представление о путешествиях. Благодаря каталогу Мадлоба, я обнаружил удивительный мир, где современность и традиции сплетаются в удивительный узор, как в грузинских орнаментах.

    Прогуливаясь по набережной, я ощущал, как легкий бриз приносит с собой ароматы моря и свежести. Здесь я увидел архитектурные шедевры, которые словно мостик между прошлым и будущим, и понял, что даже в работе программиста есть место искусству и креативу.

    Каждый вечер я наслаждался закатами, когда небо и море сливаются в единое полотно, раскрашенное самыми невероятными оттенками. Именно тогда мне хотелось кодировать меньше и жить больше, впитывая каждую секунду этой невероятной атмосферы.

    Разнообразие кухни поразило меня не меньше, чем культурное наследие. Я попробовал блюда, о существовании которых даже не подозревал, и каждое из них было пропитано любовью и уважением к традициям. Благодаря Мадлоба, я нашел уголки для гурманов, где каждый ужин был похож на пир во времена царей.

    Работать здесь удаленно – значит каждый день просыпаться с ощущением, что ты живешь в отпуске. Уникальное сочетание природы, культуры и современных технологий создают идеальные условия для творчества и вдохновения.

    Это место подарило мне встречи с невероятными людьми, которые стали друзьями, и истории, которые будут согревать меня всю жизнь. Я обязательно вернусь сюда снова, потому что теперь знаю: счастье – это утро у моря, грузинский хлеб на завтрак и возможность быть частью этого волшебного мира.

    Спасибо тебе, за то, что открыл мне свои двери и сердце. Теперь я знаю, что моя жизнь навсегда связана с этим прекрасным уголком земли, где каждый день приносит новое открытие и новое вдохновение.