Батумский банк крови

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Батумский банк крови — важное звено в системе здравоохранения города Батуми, посвященное сбору и обеспечению крови для нужд медицинских учреждений. Основной миссией организации является поддержание стабильного запаса крови путем активного привлечения доноров. Благодаря высококвалифицированным специалистам и современному оборудованию, Батумский банк крови обеспечивает безопасный процесс сбора, хранения и передачи крови, что крайне важно для успешного проведения медицинских процедур и спасения жизней. Жители города имеют возможность стать донорами, поддерживая таким образом общественное здоровье. Адрес, контактный телефон и часы работы Батумского банка крови предоставляют удобные варианты для желающих внести свой вклад в благотворительное донорство крови.

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ул. Вахтанга Горгасали, 167, Батуми, Грузия
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  • М
    gray stars
    red stars

    I confirm that the nurses conduct the blood collection procedure without gloves (this, in my opinion, deserves a lower grade). Working hours from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00, they offer candy and juice as a thank you. Not all employees speak Russian, but this is absolutely not a problem.However, to work without using gloves seems to me undesirable. In the laboratory, the staff works in gloves, while blood collection is done without their use.

  • O
    gray stars
    red stars

    On Saturday, when I arrived, the center was almost empty. I managed to ask an employee about the opening hours, and he said that on weekdays the center is open from 10:00 to 18:00.

    On Friday morning, when I came again, there was only one person waiting to donate blood, and there were no queues. The process began with a finger prick to determine blood type and hemoglobin levels. I was then referred to another doctor, where I filled out a questionnaire and had my blood pressure taken. All indicators were normal, and I was sent to donate blood.

    I noticed four chairs in the blood donation area. The nurses did not speak Russian, but despite this, I did not experience any difficulties in understanding. They applied a tourniquet and prepared a container for collecting blood. However, I was a little concerned that these procedures were carried out without the use of gloves, while the nurses had rings on their fingers. I doubt it was all sterile. While the woman sitting next to me was undergoing all the manipulations with gloves.