ღონისძიებებისა და დღესასწაულების ორგანიზება "არტ მედია ჯგუფი"

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"Art Media Group" is a leading event and celebration organization based in Tbilisi. Specializing in innovative solutions, they create unforgettable events for their clients. With a wealth of experience and a unique creative approach, Art Media Group ensures that every event is unique and memorable. A team of professionals organizes a variety of events, including weddings, corporate parties, anniversaries and much more. Clients can rely on the reliability and quality of services provided by Art Media Group based on the positive reviews and reputation of the company. To contact them and obtain more detailed information, you can use the specified address and telephone number.

0167, Tbilisi, Gldani-Nadzaladevi District, Bochorishvili str. 37a
Სამუშაო გრაფიკი

Пн - Сб: 10:00 - 19:00

Ისინი საუბრობენ ენებზე
მე ვარ მფლობელი სწორი უზუსტობა
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