Mural "End of War" by Dinho Bento (NIKO Street Art)

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  • Description

Before us is a monumental mural with deep symbolic meaning, created by the artist Dinho Bento. A huge image of a blue eye surrounded by green roots attracts attention and seems to look inside a person, into his essence. The eye symbolizes vigilance, wisdom and the desire for enlightenment, for what is beyond the visible.

Green roots, twisting, weave around the facade of the building, as if personifying nature, which seeks to break through urban environment and show your strength. These roots are like threads of life connected to the earth and people. They remind us that even in the harshest conditions, nature continues to grow and develop.

At the bottom of the mural there are two golden spears, symbols of weapons, but they are enclosed in roots, which can be interpreted as a call for peace and the end of conflicts. It’s as if the artist wants to say: “Look beyond your roots, break your weapons and celebrate the end of the war.” This message emphasizes the importance of non-violence and a return to the peaceful foundations of human nature.

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1st Lane Gabriela Salosi, 2, Tbilisi, Georgia
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