Media "Modern Moms"
- Description
"Modern Moms" is a media organization based in Tbilisi, which is a unique space dedicated to motherhood in modern society. Modern Moms focuses on a broad range of topics related to the role of mothers in the modern world. They offer advice, stories, and practical solutions for today's moms, aiming to be a support and inspiration in your role as a mother.
Among the main activities of "Modern Moms" we can highlight information coverage of topics related to motherhood, raising children, as well as current issues related to family life. The organization creates content that is not only informative, but also positively influences parents by providing them with practical advice and sharing inspiring stories.
Modern Moms strives to be a platform where moms can share experiences, find support in the community, and stay up to date with the latest trends and news in the field of motherhood. With their help, moms in Tbilisi and beyond can feel connected and inspired in their important journey of motherhood in the modern world.