Center for Speech Development and Social Adaptation "Unicum"
- Description
The Center for Speech Development and Social Adaptation "Unicum" in Tbilisi is a specialized institution focused on supporting children in the field of speech development and social adaptation skills. Here, comprehensive work is carried out within the framework of a combined speech therapy approach in various areas. The center focuses on speech development and behavior correction, and also pays attention to the intellectual and social development of children. Specialists help develop physical and sensory skills, play skills, and develop soft and fine motor skills. A visit to this center will be useful for children who need support in the areas listed, as well as for parents seeking to ensure their children's comprehensive development in a friendly and professional environment.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
ЕЕлена Ворфоломеева
Частный детский сад поразил нас индивидуальным подходом и акцентом на творческом развитии