Supplier of materials for construction and finishing "KM Georgia"

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  • Description

"KM Georgia" is a reliable supplier of construction and finishing materials based in Tbilisi, Georgia. The organization specializes in providing a wide range of materials necessary for the construction and finishing of various types of objects. Their product range includes high quality building materials, finishing materials, tools and accessories.

KM Georgia strives to meet the needs of both professional builders and individuals, their products and services are valued by customers for their quality and affordable prices. The organization prides itself on its reputation as a reliable supplier, providing professional service and assistance in selecting suitable materials.

At KM Georgia, customers can expect highly qualified staff, ready to provide detailed information about products, as well as help with the selection of optimal solutions for specific construction and finishing tasks.

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0112, Tbilisi, Didube-Chugureti District, Tamar Mepe Ave. 2
Work schedule

Monday - Sunday: 10:30 - 19:00

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