Wholesale supplier of building materials "kvarci-1"

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  • Description

Wholesale supplier of building materials "Kvarci-1" is a dynamic company based in Tbilisi. The main focus of its activity is the wholesale supply of building materials to the Georgian construction industry market. Among their assortment you can find a wide range of building materials, ranging from bricks and concrete to finishing materials.

Kvarci-1 is committed to high quality products and customer service. They pride themselves on their reputation as a reliable supplier, providing a wide range of building materials at competitive prices. The company strives to meet the needs of both small construction businesses and large construction projects.

The main points of contact with "Kvarci-1" are their address and telephone number, which can be found on their official website. They also take pride in receiving positive feedback from their customers, which highlights their excellent service and quality products. This company plays an important role in the development of the construction industry in Tbilisi and provides construction projects with the necessary materials for successful completion.

Copy coords
Coords are copied
0107, Tbilisi, Gldani-Nadzaladevi District, Gldani mass. 6 m/d 22 Bldg
Work schedule

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 19:00

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