RICO Microfinance Organization
- Description
The microfinance organization Bank Rico Credit was formed in 1996.
Now it is a world-class organization with a high level of service and consumer confidence.
Bank Rico offers its clients: "Golden Bill" — a security with a high degree of security and the best conditions of pawn loans in the country, with the ability to return the item in any city of Georgia with free delivery.
Bank Rico makes the most profitable valuation of gold for the client without hidden costs.
Rico Credit provides an opportunity to get the most flexible and low-interest service in the field of money transfers abroad with the help of 10 partner organizations. You can convert the received amount at any time at the currently fixed rate.
At the consumer's service is a free SMS service from the company Rico Credit.
Around the clock
ЕЕлена Ворфоломеева
По какой-то причине при обмене валюты они запросили мой паспорт, адрес и номер телефона. Интересно, после этого начал приходить постоянный смс-спам. Хотя я не могу утверждать с уверенностью, кажется, что они относятся к личным данным клиентов очень неответственно. Мне сложно понять, зачем была нужна вся эта информация для обмена валюты.
To carry out a currency exchange transaction, I was surprisingly asked to provide personal information such as passport details, address and telephone number. As a strange coincidence, immediately after this, intrusive SMS spam began to arrive on my phone. Although I cannot say for sure, it seems that they handle customers' personal information with extreme irresponsibility. It just confuses me why the owners needed all this data to conduct a currency exchange.
P.S. Regarding the response to the owner: I recommend that you carefully study paragraph 5.3 of the article. The volume of my transaction clearly did not exceed the stated limits, so it does not seem necessary to collect so much personal data, including a phone number.