Lilo clothing market - the best prices in Tbilisi
- Description
It is not always possible to buy high-quality goods exclusively in boutiques and large shopping centers. Thrifty buyers know a place where good quality and low price are friends with each other. This is the LiloMall indoor clothing market in Tbilisi, where consumer goods are sold with huge discounts. It's just some kind of "Black Friday" all year round! No need to wait for days of sales and promotional discounts!
Come here any day and buy high-quality and cheap clothes of all sizes, leather jackets and furs, jeans, bags, jewelry, shoes, beauty products, carpets, textiles, construction materials and equipment. Quality, assortment and ridiculous prices will not leave anyone indifferent.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday — 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Sunday — 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
ВВасилий Кирпа
This market at Lilomoll is good, but the range used to be more varied. Many vendors have become more pushy, preventing you from freely examining the goods and pondering, often asking lots of questions. Prices have probably risen due to the influence of Turkey, but nevertheless a visit remains possible.