Dishes and kitchen utensils from "King Style"
- Description
"King Style" is a recognizable brand of tableware and kitchen utensils, providing a wide range of kitchen products in the city of Tbilisi. They specialize in providing quality cookware, kitchenware and accessories for home use. Customer reviews indicate the high quality and reliability of their products.
Their store in Tbilisi offers customers a variety of products, including frying pans, pots, knives, dishes made from various materials and much more. The King Style team strives to satisfy the needs of both experienced chefs and ordinary homemakers by providing high quality products at reasonable prices.
An important feature of the company is the availability of information: on their website you can find the store address, driving directions and contact details for communication. This makes the shopping experience convenient and stress-free for customers, making King Style one of the leading local stores for purchasing kitchen utensils and cookware in Tbilisi.
Monday - Saturday: 11:00 - 20:00; Sunday: 12:00 - 18:00