Drift Driving Skills Improvement School
- Description
The best way to get a driver's license and learn all the tricks of driving skills is to apply to the Drift driving school in Tbilisi, which is a recognized leader in the market of educational services.
Thoroughly developed programs allow you to give information in a compressed format in a short time, which simplifies the study. At the same time, students have the opportunity for constant feedback from teachers. This is convenient for working through difficult moments, analyzing errors and cases from practice.
Convenient forms of training are offered, both in full–time format and remotely.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday — 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
ЯЯн Северов
Отличная школа для тех, кто уже имеет водительские права, но хочет мастерски овладеть искусством вождения. Инструктора автошколы Drift в Тбилиси находят к каждому ученику свой подход и подбирают индивидуальную программу обучения