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National Bank of Georgia (NBG)

gray stars
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3 reviews
will open in 2 hours and 36 min.
  • Description

The National Bank of Georgia ensures price stability and controls inflation, contributing to long-term economic growth.

The bank's activities are aimed at maintaining the purchasing power of the lari, which leads to GDP growth and attracting investments to Georgia.

The risks of the financial system are examined and controlled by the bank.

The monetary policy of the National Bank of Georgia is independent of the legislative and executive authorities.

The effectiveness of the bank's activities is confirmed by a stable financial system during periods of economic and political crises in the country and the world.

Copy coords
Coords are copied
Zviada Gamsakhurdia str., 2, Tbilisi, Georgia
Work schedule
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Official website
They speak languages
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3 reviews
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  • Н
    gray stars
    red stars

    Национальный банк Грузии играет ключевую роль в обеспечении стабильности цен и контроле инфляции. Это способствует долгосрочному экономическому росту и привлечению инвестиций. Банк активно исследует и контролирует риски финансовой системы. Его денежно-кредитная политика не подвержена влиянию других ветвей власти. Доказательством эффективности работы банка является устойчивость финансовой системы в периоды кризисов.

  • O
    gray stars
    red stars

    Very unfriendly staff.
    The only branch of the Bank of General Purpose (BoG) where I needed a notarized translation of my passport for a routine operation to obtain an extract (in other branches it was enough to present my passport). Moreover, they asked for all possible documents, including a map. In other departments there were no such requirements!

  • Е
    gray stars
    red stars

    Операторы проявили грубость в единственном отделении BoG, где потребовали нотариальный перевод паспорта при обычной операции. В других отделениях такого не было."