Katrina Bakery - fresh pastries and desserts

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will open in 5 hours and 38 min.
  • Description

A good place with a large selection of pastries at affordable prices. The magnificent smell is carried throughout the entire territory of the institution.

The friendly and courteous staff copes with their duties perfectly. Pastries are always fresh and very tasty, in addition, ice cream is served in the bakery, which is in no way inferior to baking in taste.

In the bakery, you get to feel that everything is baked especially for you, which creates an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth, which is sometimes lacking in travel. It is worth trying their chocolate, honey and red velvet Cake, as well as chocolate ice cream.

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Kekelidze Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
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Work schedule
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — 9 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
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    Пекарня, которая создаёт атмосферу домашнего уюта - это очень важно в путешествиях. Именно аромат свежей выпечки создает ту самую атмосферу, которая переносит в далекое детство, когда бабушка пекла пирожки, а ты с нетерпением ждал, глотая слюнки, когда же они уже будут готовы. А дополнительный десерт - мед, шоколад и мороженое, приятно дополняют эту атмосферу.