Manana's Art Salon
- Description
The Manana Art Salon presents a variety of contemporary art trends: from the classical style familiar to everyone to abstractions and alternative reality. A small space almost in the center of Tbilisi is a must for every tourist, and not only for tourists.
There are also a variety of outlandish jewelry, porcelain, vases, interesting compositions, so you definitely won't get bored here. And the most important thing is that you can freely take pictures here!
ООльга Шурдукова
This art shop has a huge assortment of needlework supplies! Here you can find yarn, thread, needles, lace, felt, eyes, beads, beads, rhinestones, buttons and much more 🤗. The eye just gets lost in the variety! 👐
ВВарвара Воронова
Необычная выставка современного искусства представлена в галерее Mananas в Тбилиси. Думаю, каждого удивят эти экспозиции, ведь они соверешенно отличаются от стандартных и привычных картин. К тому же можно фотографировать в свое удовольствие