

Popular places worth visiting in Sighnaghi

The Most Frequent Questions

What is the distance to Sighnaghi from Batumi?

The distance from Sighnaghi to Batumi is 357 kilometers in a straight line, 483.7 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 466.0 kilometers along the highway.

What is the distance to Sighnaghi from Tbilisi?

The distance from Sighnaghi to Tbilisi is 94 kilometers in a straight line, 107.5 kilometers along the pedestrian route, 109.6 kilometers along the highway.

Where is Sighnaghi?

The city of Sighnaghi is located in the eastern part of Georgia. It is the administrative center of the Sighnahi municipality, which is part of the Kakheti region. Sighnaghi is also the center of the historical and geographical region of Kiziki. The city is located on a mountainside, on terraces connected by winding, steep streets.

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    Сигнахи называют городом любви, так как ЗАГС там работает круглосуточно и очень быстро можно пожениться, даже иностранцам. Так же в городе много культурно-исторических памятников.