Private school "Menaphire Academy"
- Description
Menaphire Academy private school in Rustavi is a modern educational institution offering high-quality education for students of all ages. The school has well-equipped classrooms, modern laboratories and spacious gyms, which allows for comprehensive learning and development of students.
Menaphire Academy allows students to develop their academic and creative abilities in a supportive and supportive environment. The school program is focused on the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, including academic achievement, physical development and social skills.
The school is suitable for parents looking for high-quality and individualized education for their children that meets modern standards. It provides a wide range of additional programs such as foreign languages, arts, sports and technology, which allows each child to find and develop their talents.
Menaphire Academy is located in the city of Rustavi and is accessible to residents of both the city itself and nearby settlements. The school also organizes events and excursions to deepen students' knowledge and broaden their horizons. Enrollment in the school is carried out on the basis of selection, which allows us to maintain a high level of learning environment.
Mon-Fri: 09:00–18:00; Sat-Sun: Closed
ИИлья Левицкий
Уютное место в Рустави, где дети, кажется, получают больше, чем просто знания. Заботливый подход и внимание к деталям чувствуются во всем. Учителя профессиональны, и атмосфера располагает к обучению. Единственное, можно было бы улучшить коммуникацию с родителями по поводу учебных мероприятий. Но в остальном — достойный выбор для тех, кто ценит образование в гармонии.